好了,今天就讲解到这里,祝愿大家将来能有机会去浪漫的法国旅游, 英语翻译

好了,今天就讲解到这里,祝愿大家将来能有机会去浪漫的法国旅游, 英语翻译,第1张

so much for today hope that you will have a chance to travel in the romantic country-france

I have been learning English for six years, while I feel it is difficult If I have chance to change, I will try to learn French to experience the romantic living style in France

France is a country of Europe It locates in the west of Europe Paris is the capital of France There are many tourist attractions, such as Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum,Triumphal Arch(凯旋门),Notre-Dame Cathedral and so on Frace is an attracting country It famous for its beautiful sceneries France has long history and it has great influence on Britain, including culture, language and lifestyle I like France very much, so that I hope I can visit there one day




France, the French republic, is located in known as Western Europe Gross domestic product in the world, the capital Paris is 6 French political, economic, cultural and transportation center, the Louvre museum and Notre Dame DE Paris with global reputation, was known as the champs-elysees in the world the most beautiful street, its the ground and underground traffic extend in all directions, very convenient traffic, 13 million people every day Paris-the Eiffel Tower building signs like a steel giant towers overhead quiet on the river Seine In France's largest port and the second largest city marseille, you can visit DaZhongMa in the novel "the JiDuShan earl" in describing the prison--strange eve castle The southwest city with a long history, the bordeaux wine making wine is well-known in the world Special grade "bordeaux wine red wine" listed as a world "queen" in one hundred, a bottle of wine can be sold on the international market more than 30000 dollars In the Mediterranean shore of cannes, is a beautiful scenery and pleasant weather, the all town here every year's cannes film festival, held very busy, issued by the JinZongLvJiang is recognized as one of cinema's top honors French fashion in the world fame, chooses the material is rich, is excellent, the design is bold, making great skill, make its have been lead the world fashion There are 2000 home in Paris boutiques, bosses slogan is: "fashion not to sell the second thing" And in the streets, can hardly see the o women dressed in identical clothing The French nature forthright and sincere, romantic, like nature If you want to travel, France is a must, for good place!


Frech is one of the three well-known cuisine kingdom in the world As a result, there are some tips we should keep in mind when having meal with French peopleFirst and formost, it is rude to put your elbows on the dinner table, but you can put your hands on it Besides, when you are eating, you should never hold your plate Because that would show as if you are too hungry to eat up all the food on the plateAnother tip you should remenber is that French people are good at drinking wine, which is the necessity of a dinner They devote particular care to matching different dishes with different kinds of wine That is why wines are monly more expensive than dishes at a normal banquet You should neither plain how slow the dishes are served, nor keeping eating all the time without chatting with your neighbors Remember that conversation is superior to anything else作为举世皆知的世界三大烹饪王国之一,法国人十分讲究饮食。

1 法国人用餐时,两手允许放在餐桌上,但却不许将两肘支在桌子上。

2 法国人特别善饮,他们几乎餐餐必喝,而且讲究在餐桌上要以不同品种的酒水搭配不同的菜肴。一般来说,在法国人的餐桌上酒水贵于菜肴。而在正式的宴会上,则有“交谈重于一切”之说。这是因为法国人视宴请为交际场所,所以他们举行的宴会大都时间较长,在用餐时只吃不谈,是不礼貌的。还有人说,如果你在法国餐厅吃饭,千万别抱怨侍者上菜速度太慢——他们这样做完全是为了你和你朋友有足够的时间神聊。


Last summer I went to Paris with my parents I was very excited and happy

Since we don't speak French, we joined a tour to Paris It last a week

We visited the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, Palace Louvre and Palace Versailles I like palace Louvre most because I saw Da Vinci's the Last Supper there I also liked the Eiffel Tower because we could see most part of Paris at the top

We also sightsee many churches Honestly, seeing church after church bored me to no end

The trip was mostly enjoyable I promise myself to go back to Paris again Next time, I am going to stay longer and will not join a tour Paris is such a big city that I want to take a closer look

That trip was a memorable one!


France is the most visited country in the world It has everything that you could ever want to see on your holidays: a great city like Paris, good beaches, more monuments than any other country, lovely nature, incredible mountain scenery; need I go on France is also a very pleasant place to stay It has good food, great wines and people enjoy their lives And the best thing is, maybe apart from Paris, living in France does not have to be expensive The North of France consists of the flatlands around the town of Lille and the Channel The area will remind visitors in many ways of Belgium and the Netherlands The Grand' Place in Lille for example is a lot like that of Brussels

Paris, the city of light and its surroundings are one of the most visited areas Paris is without a doubt one of the most beautiful cities on the pla

West of France is turned towards the Atlantic Coast In the north Normandy & Brittany have rolling hills, sandy beaches and quiet little harbour towns Normandy & Brittany have a more rugged coast and many neolithic sites It has quite a distinct atmosphere from the rest of the country; you can still sense the Celtic origin of the region and its inhabitants

The eastern part of France consists of the Alsace, Lorraine, Franche Comtand Burgundy regions The landscape has rolling hills and many beautiful cities, such as Metz, Stra ourg, Nancy and Dijon This region produces many famous wines, including magnificent pinot noirs and chardonnays valued the world over, as well as the famous "Yellow wine" from the Jura mountain vineyard

The Center of France is in many ways the most quiet part of France But the great treasure of this region is the Loire valley , with many great castles and beautiful towns Chartres with its famous cathedral and Tours rate among the most beautiful French cities

The South with its lovely nature, good food, roman ruins and of course the Riviera draws a lot of visitors every year Towns like Orange, and Arles but also big cities like Marseille and Toulon are must sees The Provence is dotted with pleasant all villages In the South west of France the Dordogne is one of the most quintessential French regions The valley is so pretty, the towns are so cute and the food is so good, that it is hard to believe that the people who live here go somewhere else for their holidays The Languedoc has its own language and culture In the south of the Languedoc you find the Pyrenees, a great mountain range separating France from Spain, where you can hike and ski The towns of Toulouse and Montpellier are nice and the medieval town of Carcassone is a top destination






据其可爱的性质,良好的食物,古罗马废墟,当然,海滨吸引了许多游客,每年。城镇像橙色,并阿尔勒,而且等大城市马赛和土伦是必须看到。 Provence的是点缀着舒适的小村庄。在西南的法国多尔多涅是一个最典型的法国地区。山谷是如此漂亮,城市是如此可爱和粮食是如此好,这是很难相信的人谁住在这里去别的地方的假日。朗格有自己的语言和文化。在南部的朗格您找到比利牛斯山脉,伟大的山脉分隔法国从西班牙,您可以在加息和滑雪。城镇的图卢兹和蒙彼利埃是不错的中世纪小镇卡尔卡松是首选目的地。


风光;2、从上海、南京、武汉逆流而上游览长江沿途美景;3、从三峡的东口宜昌出发饱览神奇美丽的长江三峡风光。长江三峡,无限风光。瞿塘峡的雄伟,巫峡的秀丽,西陵峡的险峻,还有三段峡谷中的大宁河、香溪、神农溪的神奇与古朴,使这驰名世界的山水画廊气象万千——这里的群峰,重岩叠嶂,峭壁对峙,烟笼雾锁;这里的江水,汹涌奔腾,惊涛拍岸,百折不回;这里的奇石,嶙峋峥嵘,千姿百态,似人若物;这里的溶洞,奇形怪状,空旷深邃,神秘莫测……三峡的一山 一水,一景一物,无不如诗如画,并伴随着许多美丽的神话和动人的传说,令人心驰神往。


三峡是渝鄂两省市人民生活的地方,主要居住着汉族和土家族,他们都有许多独特的风俗和习惯。每年农历五月初五的龙舟赛,是楚乡人民为表达对屈原的崇敬而举行的一种祭祀活动。巴东的背娄世界、土家人的独特婚俗、还有那被称为鱼类之冠神态威武的国宝---中华鲟。 1982年,三峡以其举世闻名的秀丽风光和丰富多彩的人文景观,被国务院批准列入第一批国家级风景名胜区名单。



Frech is one of the three well-known cuisine kingdom in the world As a result, there are some tips we should keep in mind when having meal with French peopleFirst and formost, it is rude to put your elbows on the dinner table, but you can put your hands on it Besides, when you are eating, you should never hold your plate Because that would show as if you are too hungry to eat up all the food on the plateAnother tip you should remenber is that French people are good at drinking wine, which is the necessity of a dinner They devote particular care to matching different dishes with different kinds of wine That is why wines are monly more expensive than dishes at a normal banquet You should neither plain how slow the dishes are served, nor keeping eating all the time without chatting with your neighbors Remember that conversation is superior to anything else下附对应中文要点:作为举世皆知的世界三大烹饪王国之一,法国人十分讲究饮食。

1 法国人用餐时,两手允许放在餐桌上,但却不许将两肘支在桌子上。

2 法国人特别善饮,他们几乎餐餐必喝,而且讲究在餐桌上要以不同品种的酒水搭配不同的菜肴。一般来说,在法国人的餐桌上酒水贵于菜肴。而在正式的宴会上,则有“交谈重于一切”之说。这是因为法国人视宴请为交际场所,所以他们举行的宴会大都时间较长,在用餐时只吃不谈,是不礼貌的。还有人说,如果你在法国餐厅吃饭,千万别抱怨侍者上菜速度太慢——他们这样做完全是为了你和你朋友有足够的时间神聊。

转载请注明出处作文大全网 » 法国的作文英文 关于法国的英语作文60

Ah, beautiful Paris For centuries this city has attracted the admiration of the world The allure and charm of Paris captivate all who visit there


Where can you discover the charm of Paris for yourself Is it in the legacy of all the French rulers who worked to beautify their beloved city When you visit Paris, you don't have to spend all of your time visiting museums and monuments They are certainly worthy of your time, but ignore them for a day First take some time to look around and experience life in Paris You'll find it charming

你在哪里可以找到巴黎对你自己的吸引力呢?是否是在历任的法国统治者们在美化他所钟爱的城市所留下 当你到巴黎游玩时。把时间全都花在看博物馆和纪念碑上面。它们当然很值得你花时间,但今天先忘掉它们。首先来四处看看,并体验一下巴黎的生活。你会发现它的迷人之处。

Take a stroll along the Seine River Browse through the art vendors, colorful paintings Peek through delicate iron gates at the well-kept gardens Watch closely for the French attention to detail that has made France synonymous with good taste You will see it in the design of a doorway or arch and in the little fountains and quaint balconies No matter where you look, you will find everyday objects transformed into works by art


Spend some time in a quiet park relaxing on an old bench Lie on your back on the green grass When you need refreshment, try coffee and pastries at a sidewalk cafe Strike up a conversation with a Parisian This isn't always easy, though With such a large international population living in Paris, true natives are hard to find these days


As evening comes to Paris, enchantment rises with the mist over the riverfront You may hear music from an outdoor concert nearby: classical, jazz, opera or chansons, those French folk songs Parisians love their music The starry sky is their auditorium You can also hear concerts in the chateaux and cathedrals In Paris the Music never ends


Don't miss the highlight of Paris evening: eating out Parisians are proud of their cuisine And rightly so; it's world famous Gourmet dining is one of the indispensable joys of living You need a special guidebook to help you choose one of the hundreds of excellent restaurants The capital of France boasts every regional specialty, cheese and wine the country has to offer If you don't know what to order, ask for the suggested menu The chef likes to showcase his best dishes there Remember, you haven't tasted the true flavor of France until you've dined at a French restaurant in Paris


After your gourmet dinner, take a walking tour of the floodlit monuments Cross the Pont Neuf, the oldest bridge in the city, to the Ile de la Cite The most famous landmark of Paris looms up in front of you the Notre Dame Cathedral (Cathedral of Our Lady)。 Stand in the square in front of the cathedral Here, you are standing in the center of France All distances are measured from the front of Notre Dame Every road in France leads to her front door All French kings and leaders have journeyed here to commemorate important occasions and give thanks Notre Dame is the heart of Paris and the heart of France

在你的美食晚餐之后,可以到被聚光灯照耀的纪念碑去走一趟。穿过第九桥(Pont Neuf)此城市中最古老的桥。到达城市之岛(Ile de la Cite)。巴黎最有名的标志即隐约地呈现在你的面前:圣母院。站在教堂前面的广场。在这里,你即处于法国的正中心。所有的距离皆是以圣母院前门开始计算。法国的每一条路都通往它的前门。所有的法国国王或统治者都曾经旅游到此来纪念重要的节日或感恩。圣母院是巴黎的中心,也是法国的中心。

Without feeding the fires of war






- feeding [ˈfiːdɪŋ]:



The mother is feeding her baby


- fires [ˈfaɪəz]:



The firefighters are trying to put out the fires


- war [wɔːr]:



The country is at war with its neighboring country



句子的主语是“feeding”,谓语是“Without”,表示“不做某事”,后面是“the fires of war”,表示“战争之火”。


- Without feeding the fires of war, we can work towards peace


- The leaders must avoid feeding the fires of war


- The media should report objectively and avoid feeding the fires of war


- The politicians must stop their rhetoric that feeds the fires of war


- The international community must come together to prevent feeding the fires of war






French fried 的意思是“炸薯条”。


1、French fried 的含义是指炸制的薯条,通常是将土豆切成条状,油炸后加盐或其他调味料食用。


French [frentʃ] adj 法国的

fry [fraɪ] v 炸,油炸

French fry 炸薯条

French 是一个形容词,表示“法国的”,用来修饰名词,构成“法国的薯条”的意思。fry 是动词,表示“炸,油炸”,构成“炸薯条”的意思。


- I love French fries


- Do you want some French fries with your burger


- She ordered a large serving of French fries


- McDonald's is famous for their French fries


- I prefer sweet potato fries over regular French fries


3、French fried 是一个形容词短语,用来修饰名词,通常放在名词前面。

4、French fried 的具体用法:

- I ordered a burger and French fries


- She loves to dip her French fries in ketchup


- The restaurant has the best French fries in town


- Can I have a small order of French fries, please


- He ate a whole basket of French fries by himself



1、理解单词的意思和词性,尤其是形容词和名词的搭配,如 French fries。

2、注意单复数和时态的变化,如 fries 的复数形式。



5、在翻译时要注意词汇的多义性和歧义性,尤其是在口语和俚语中,如 street lamp。






French fried 的意思是“炸薯条”,是一个形容词短语,用来修饰名词。在翻译时要注意单词的意思、词性和搭配,以及语法结构和句子的连贯性。要根据上下文和语境来理解单词和短语的含义,避免死板翻译。在翻译时要注意词汇的多义性和歧义性,尤其是在口语和俚语中。

提到法国,不禁让人想起它在这届世界杯的表现。真是糟糕透了。you can not mention france without recalling its dreadly awful performance in this year's world cup

言归正传,法国是一个浪漫 时尚 充满魅力的国度。最佳旅游时间 从春天到夏天是最好的季节 yet back to the point, france is a country of romance,fashion and charm spring and summer are the best season o visit

这里有茶花女的凄美爱情,有巴黎时尚周的摩登表演,还有塞纳河左岸的香颂和咖啡 埃菲尔铁塔 it is not only famous for the sad love story of La Dame aux camélias, the paris fashion week but also for the chanson and coffee of La Seine and Eiffel Tower

法国是一个讲文明礼貌的国家,对女性的谦恭礼貌是法国人一直引以为豪的传统。 france is a nation of etiquettecourtesyto women is an tradition that french are proud of

戛纳国际**节是世界五大**节之一。每年5月在法国东南部海滨小城戛纳举行,它是世界上最早、最大的国际**节之一,为期两周左右。1956年最高奖为“金鸭奖”,1957年起改为“金棕榈奖”。 法国还有很多名胜古迹,巴黎凯旋门 卢浮宫 巴黎圣母院 巴士底狱 法国迪南老城香榭丽舍大街。The Cannes Film Festivalis one of the five most influential movie festivals of the world it is among the earliest movie festivals and every year the festival lasts around two weeks the highest award in 1956 was called the golden duck, yet from the next year on, it was changed to the golden palmfrance has many other historic and scenic spots, such as arch of triumph,Louvre Museum,Notre Dame de Paris,the Bastille,ChampsElysees Ave

法国还有很多历史名人 我最崇拜卢梭和雨果 卢梭是启蒙思想家、哲学家。雨果是法国文学史上最伟大的作家之一 他的《巴黎圣母院》《 悲惨世界 》是不朽的名著。france has also cultivated many historical giants, of which my favorites are Hugo and Rousseau Rousseau is an enlightening thinker and philosopher Hugo is among the best writers in french literature whose masterpieces are Notre Dame de Paris and Les Miserables

这就是法国 充满魅力的国家 this is france, a country overflowing with charms




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