

布什大主教 :因为时间紧迫,我和默克尔嬷嬷还有国务在身,得分别赶回美国和德国,所以圣经咱就不读了,你们就在心底感谢上帝的宽怀和祝愿吧!现在咱要问新郎官尊敬的新郎官 猪八戒先生:。。你愿意娶高翠兰女士为妻吗?
Primate bush:Since the time is pressing,Mohker and I has state affairs to deal with,we have to go back to The states and Germany respectively,so we stop reading the Bible,hope you all give thanks to God's generosity and blessing!Now let's our groom,"Respectful groom,Mr Eight commandment Pig,would you like to have Miss Cuilan Gao as your wife

Brother Pig said:"In the name of Lord and priest,I agree"
3布什大主教 :下面请默克尔修女 祝福 新娘高翠兰女士!
Primate Bush"now let's us invite nun mohker to give blessing to them"
4默克尔修女 :新娘高翠兰女士,你愿意嫁给新郎猪八戒吗?”
nun mohker:Bride Cuilan Gao,would you like to have Mr Eight commandment as your huaband
5高翠兰姐姐 :是的,嬷嬷!我愿意。虽然一开始不愿意,但是现在经过了解后我觉得他猪八戒人挺好的。所以我愿意--绝不后悔!
Sister Cuilan: Yes,Madam!I agreeThough I didn't agree at first,yet after some inquirement,I think Eight commandment is a ggod guy,so I agreed,I will never regret fot it!
默克尔修女 :无论他将来是富有还是贫穷、或无论他将来身体健康或不适,你都愿意和他永远在一起吗?
Nun mohker:No matter he is rich or poor,no matter he is healthy or not in the future,would you like to be with him
7朱哥哥与高姐姐一起说:谢谢圣母玛利亚!谢谢嬷嬷! Brother Pig and Sister Gao said toghter:thank Virgin Mary!thank Madam!
8默克尔修女 :谢主吧!愿主能一生一世保佑你们,我的孩子们!
NUn: Please thank God!Let God bless you all your life,my Children!
9布什大主教 :那好,我以圣灵、圣父、圣子的名义宣布:新郎新娘结为夫妻。现在,新郎可以亲吻新娘,并且同时互相交换戒指了。
Primate Bush:Now I declare in the name of Holy spirit,God father,the son of God,the bride and groom get united as wife and husbandNow the groom may kiss your bride,then exchange wedding rings
10 最后请翻译神仙童话喜剧剧片名:《婷婷兔兔情未了》和第17集主题名:《猪八戒娶媳妇〈嫁进高老庄〉》。
The continued love of Tingting and Tutu
Eight commandment Pig 's marriage



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