



(1)对数字的敏感程度,即多位数,分数,小数,百分数的正确读法。例如:576,328,490 读作 five hundred and seventy-six million three hundred and twenty-eight thousand four hundred and ninety;1/3 读作one third 2/5 读作 two fifths 78% 读作 seventy-eight percent

(2)对时间的正确读法。例如:5: 45 读作 five forty-five 或 a quarter to six;7: 30 读作 seventy thirty 或 half past seven。

(3)对日期的正确读法。例如:1909年9月9日读作 September the ninth,nineteen o nine;2001年1月22日读作January the twenty-second,the year two thousand one。

(4)对电话号码的正确读法。例如:63579088读作six three five seven nine o/zero double eight。

(5)对航班号,街道,房间号,金额等的正确读法。例如:Fight 806 读作Flight eight o six。


W:Here’s a twenty-dollar note, give me two tickets for tomorrow’s concert, please

M:Sure Two tickets and here’s $740 change

Q:How much does one ticket cost (B)

A $540 B $630

C $640 D $1260

这道题目的关键在于听到的四个数字:twenty, two,740和one。对话的双方谈论的是两张票和找回的钱,而题目问的是一张票的价钱。除了要听懂听清以外,还要快速地进行计算。

此外,掌握常用的特殊疑问词,有助于迅速地找出题目的关键词,并作出正确的判断: What time…, When…, How long…, How much…, How many…, How far…, How often…, How soon…




饭店,旅馆:waiter, tip, check, menu, soup, salad, check in/out, book, room, reception, order, drink, steak, beef, cafeteria, cream, hamburger, beer, etc

邮局,银行:post office, stamp, mail, package, postage,postcard, letter, parcel, bank, cash, account, savings, check,


法院,医院:court, judge, crime, criminal, lawyer, sentence,admit, doctor, patient, operation, medicine, temperature,headache, dentist, symptom, treatment, cure, blood, etc

加油站,商店:fill it up, check the oil, change,expensive,cheap, petrol, price, fashion, suit, afford, etc

学校:campus, teacher, exam, mark, homework, subject, etc

车站,飞机场,海关:stop, ticket, subway,plane customs, visa, platform, flight, etc



W: These tomatoes are dry You must have watered them a lot

M: Yes, I did They ought to be ripe enough to pick by next weekend when we have our picnic

Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place

A In a kitchen B In a garden

C In an orchard D At a picnic

4)熟悉这类题目常见的发问句型。例如:Where did the conversation take place


与地点型题一样,职业与身份型题也是往往不能直接从对话了解对话双方的职业,身份,国籍与双方之间的关系。必须根据对话中的关键词,对话的内容,对话发生的地点,对话双方的语气来作推断。这类题目经常碰到的有:teacher and student, doctor and patient, shop assistant and customer, mother and son, driver and passenger, boss and secretary等。每一个行业有它的特点:每一个人在不同的场合有不同的角色,说不同的话。如:2003年秋的考题中有这样一个题目:

M: Could you have Jane Smith come in for an interview

W: Sure, I will call her up immediately, sir

Q: What is the probably relationship between the two speakers

A Interviewer and interviewee

B Teacher and student

C Doctor and nurse

D Boss and secretary

其中男士对女士提出要求,让她叫Jane Smith来进行面试,而女士说会这样做的,男士是要求的口吻,女士是应允的口气,又和面试有关,所以我们选D项。再比如:

W: Can you make me a counter four feet high and three feet wide

M: Sure How many shelves do you need

Q: What most probably is the man’s occupation

A A shoe maker B A carpenter

C A tailor D: A gardener




What does the man/woman imply

What does the man/woman think about…

What are the man and woman talking about/discussing

What’s the man’s woman’s attitude/opinion…

What do we learn from…

What can be concluded about the man/woman

What conclusion can be drawn from the conversation

For example:

W: I think it’s high time we turned our attention to the danger of drunk driving now

M: I can’t agree with you You see, countless innocent people are killed by the drunk drivers each year

Q: What does the woman mean

A: Most people killed in traffic accidents are heavy drinkers

B: She does not agree with the man

C: Drunk drivers are not guilty

D: People should pay more attention to the danger of drunk driving


M: Would you mind if I open the window We need some fresh air

W: We also need to keep it quiet in here

Q: What does the woman mean

AThe air is fresh

B It’s hot inside

C The window is open

D It’s noisy outside

因为对话中女士说:We also need to keep it quiet in here 说明女士不同意开窗。因为外面太吵,所以我们选择D项。




W: Did you see last night’s film on Channel 8

M: Well, I meant to see it, but a friend of mine came to see me We had a nice long talk about our school days

Q: What did the man do last night ( B )

A He watched television with his friend

B He stayed at home talking with his friend

C He went to see s film with his friend

D He went to see his friend


这类考题主要有Which of the statements is true 或not true/ What can we conclude / infer from this conversation在做Which of the following statements is true这类题目时往往每一个信息是一点点出来的。当第一个人讲完时,有的选项正确与否就可以判断了,等第二个人讲完时,应该能判断出这道题的答案。而做What can we conclude / infer from the conversation的题目时,往往需要全局观念。如:

W: Does Ben really want the scholarship he’s applied for

M: No one wants the scholarship more than Ben

Q: What do we learn from the conversation

A Ben really wants the scholarship

B No one wants the scholarship

C Ben is not interested in the scholarship

D Others like the scholarship more than Ben

从对话第二句中可知其意应是 “没有人再比Ben更想要这份奖学金了。” 所以选项为A。






我们在托福听力考试中,经常会听到一些重复的英文名和地点,如果能记住它们,你也许会发现,小地名,也能能发挥大作用。下面,新东方 留学 为大家整理“托福听力中常见的英文名和地名汇总”,希望对大家有所帮助。


一 托福听力中常见的英文名

1 托福听力中男名

Andrew 安德鲁 Bill 比尔 Bob 鲍勃 David 大卫 Dennis 丹尼斯 Frank 富兰克

Henry 亨利 James 詹姆斯 Jason 杰森 Kevin 凯文

Mark 马克 Mike 麦克 Robert 罗伯特 Thomas 托马斯 William 威廉

2 女名

Barbara 笆笆拉 Ellen 艾伦 Helen 海伦 Jane 珍 Joan 琼 Lisa 丽莎 Mary 玛丽

Susan 苏珊 Wendy 温蒂 Sarah 莎拉

二 托福听力中常考的地名

1 英国(大不列颠) UK /the United Kingdom /Great Britain

London 伦敦 England 英格兰 Liverpool 利物浦 Manchester 曼彻斯特

Birmingham 伯明翰 Leeds 利兹

Scotland 苏格兰 Edinburgh 爱丁堡 Wales 威尔士

North Ireland 北爱尔兰

2 爱尔兰 Ireland

3 澳大利亚 Australia

Queensland 昆士兰州 Brisbane 布里斯班 New South Wales 新南威尔士州 Sydney 悉尼

Adelaide 阿德莱德  Melbourne 墨尔本 Perth 珀斯

4 新西兰 New Zealand

5 加拿大 Canada

Ottawa 渥太华 Toronto 多伦多

6 美国 The United States of America

Washington, DC华盛顿 New York 纽约 Boston 波士顿 Chicago 芝加哥 Los Angeles/LA 洛杉矶





例子1TPO16 lecture 2

Why does the professor discuss Clara Schumann

A She influenced the design of the modern piano

B She grew up in an environment that encouraged female musicians

C Her musical talents were inherited from her parents

D Her background and Robert Schumann’s background were similar

第一步,通过题目的关键词进行定位。题目中提到Clara Schumann ,通过这个核心关键词可以定位到原文为Clara grew up to become a well-known and respected piano virtuoso, a performer of extraordinary skill who not only gave concerts across Europe, but also was one of the first important female composers for the instrument

第二步根据原文进行分析。听力原文中的Clara和Europe充分体现了托福听力的特殊人名地名原则,在听的过程中考生应该十分重视这些人名和地名,因为这些地方就是考点和核心信息。这道题目也可以说是运用举例原则,本身就是一个例子,依旧往前或往后找结论性的话。通过a well-known and respected piano virtuoso和one of the first important female composers可以推断出Clara是一个女性杰出钢琴家的代表之一。




在托福听力考题中,场景类的材料占有很大的比重,其中涉及到很多有关场景类的词汇。这样一来,能否熟练的识别、拼写出场景词汇,成了能否取得高分的重要因素,尤其是一些出现频率不高、难度却较大的场景。例如托福听力考试中学习类场景的词汇:pass the exam with flying colors 意为以优异成绩通过考试,这里的flying colors就要特别记忆,不能只从字面上去理解;学科类的词汇相对来说比较难拼写,例如archaeology考古学,这个单词很容易拼写错误成archeology或者archaology,因此,平时要对这些比较长、有特殊含义的词汇或者词组多加记忆。


有很多考生反映,考试时无法立刻进入状态,导致section 1做题时出现听力速度跟不上、走神、拼写反应慢等情况。要解决这样的问题,考生需要从进入考场前就做相应的准备,考试当天早晨,听一些跟考试难易程度比较接近的练习题,甚至进行一定的跟读,使耳朵在考试前就热身起来,转换到英语频道。考生在平时复习的时候可以刻意的在与听力考试相同的时间段内练习听力,这样长时间的坚持会让自己的耳朵在听力考试的时间段内很快进入状态,而不至于听完第一部分的听力后才开始有一点感觉。







在新托福听力练习的对话 文章 中,总是出现人们在谈论某一个问题,最多的是学生与学生之间、老师与老师之间,从提出问题——分析问题——解决问题的角度展开文章,几乎每一篇对话文章都包含这样的结构信息。在问题的阐述中,学生与教师用了大量的沟通方式,比如举例子、强调语气、反问设问、提出观点等,而托福的题目就是考查这些方式学生是否听懂。

在新托福听力备考的练习演讲文章中,教授讲解一个话题的展开方式以及讲解方式就是考查重点。比如教授要讲解一个知识点,需要用到举例子、引发思考、类比、提问、强调、 总结 、留作业等一系列讲解方式。几乎每篇演讲文章后面的题目,都是考查教授的讲解方式学生是否听懂。比如在托福OFFICIAL GUIDE 中的PRACTICE SET1 文章中,学生找到教授讨论如何进行REPORT 写作,这本身就是提出了一个讨论的话题,原文中说道:Well,I have some quick questions about how to write up the research project I did this semester about climate variations 所以对应的题目就是Why does the man go to see his professor 题目就是考查考生是否听懂“这个男生为什么要去见导师”。后文整篇对话都是在探讨这个问题,教授在帮学生分析如何写好一篇REPORT。




 (Text 1)

 W: Did you get my message about the meeting on Monday

 M: Yes, I did But I’m still not quite sure what the meeting is

 about Not bad news, I hope

 (Text 2)

 M: Do you have the paperback edition of this dictionary

 W: Yes, we do But the hard-cover is on sale for the same price

 as the paperback

 (Text 3)

 M: Is Jane looking forward to going home for the summer

 W: She is counting the days

 (Text 4)

 W: Have you found anything wrong with my heart

 M: Not yet I’m still examining I’ll let you know the result


 (Text 5)

 W: How far do you live from the university, John

 M It takes about 25 minutes to drive But during rush hour, it

 will take twice the time

 (Text 6)

 M: Hello, Lucy When are you going off to Beijing

 W: This evening

 M: How are you getting there, by air or by train

 W: By train It leaves at 5:00 and arrives in Beijing at 7:10 tomorrow morning

 M: Oh, only 14 hours Is anybody seeing you off this evening

 W: Yes, my parents are going with me to the station to see me


 M: That’s good! How long are you staying in Beijing for your


 W: Only four days Well, I must be off now See you when I get


 M: OK Good luck and have a good trip!

 W: Thanks Goodbye!

 (Text 7)

 W: Well, you know I had a good time tonight

 M: I’m pleased to hear that

 W: But I have to say goodbye right now

 M: Why It's not late Can't you stay a little longer

 W: No, I’m sorry, but I really must go I don’t know whether I can catch the last bus if I don’t hurry now

 M: When does the bus go

 W: At ten o'clock Oh dear! It's already a quarter past ten

 M: Don't worry, Kate Since you have missed the bus, it is

 unnecessary for you to hurry I can drive you home

 W: Thank you You are so kind But my mother will worry about me if I'm too late getting home I must get home before 11:00

 M: That's all right Let's go now But I hope to have a chance to see you again

 W: Thank you, John

 (Text 8)

 W: Hi, Bob I heard about your accident but I didn't think it would be this bad

 M: Well, thanks for making me feel better

 W: I can hardly recognize you Tell me what happened

 M: I just got back from Africa where I had a terrible accident in a motorcycle race I broke both my legs when my motor failed and was hit by another motorcycle I was laid up in a

 hospital over there for three weeks

 W: Three weeks, that's a long time What did you do while you were in the hospital

 M: Well, if you can believe it, I read all about motorcycle racing I love racing even if it hurts

 W: But I'm afraid you don't make it look very funny You're lucky to be alive

 M: That's for sure I am lucky to be alive

 W: How soon can you get well Did the doctor tell you about it

 M: They say I still need to stay in bed for two weeks or so

 W: I think you'll get a bit fatter by then By the way, is there anything I can do for you

 M: No, thank you Thank you for the beautiful flowers It's very

 kind of you to come to see me

 W: I'll be going then Bye

 M: Bye

 (Text 9)

 M: Can you recognize that woman, Betty

 W: I think I can, Henry It must be Jenny Brown, the actress

 M: I thought so She is beautiful, isn't she

 W: Yes, she is She doesn't look old at all

 M: I read she's twenty-nine, but she must be at least forty

 W: I'm sure she is She was a famous actress when I was still a


 M: That was a long time ago, wasn't it

 W: Not that long ago! I am not more than twenty-nine myself!

 (Text 10)

 One day I took several pairs of shoes to the shoemaker to be repaired After a week I picked them up and put them away Six months later, my husband and I were invited to dinner I took a pair of shoes I hadn't worn since they were repaired I put one shoe on my right foot, and then I put the other on my left I felt something wrong I took them off for a closer look, they were exactly the same size, but each was for the right foot Then I thought of the shoemaker Though I was sure he wouldn't remember me after such a long time I called him "Thank goodness, you finally called," he said excitedly, "an angry woman has been troubling me for months!"

 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 15 分,满分 75 分)

 1 What does the man wish to know most

 A When the meeting is to be held

 B Where the meeting is to be held

 C What's to be discussed at the meeting

 2 What does the woman say about the dictionary

 A Both editions are the same price now

 B It has two editions with the same cover

 C The paperback edition is on sale

 3 What does the woman mean

 A Jane is looking for a summer job

 B Jane is on her way home

 C Jane is eager to go home for the vacation

 4 What's the relationship between the two speakers

 A Teacher and student

 B Doctor and patient

 C Policeman and traffic law breaker

 5 How long does it take the man to drive from his

 house to the university during rush hour

 A 25 minutes B 40 minutes C 50 minutes

 第二节(共15 小题;每小题15分,满分225分)

 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6-8 题。

 6 How and when is Lucy leaving for Beijing

 A By air this evening

 B By train this evening

 C By air tomorrow

 7 What is she going there for

 A To spend her holiday

 B To see her parents

 C To meet her friends

 8 How long does it take her to Beijing

 A Four hours B Fourteen hours C Four days

 听第 7 段材料,回答第 9-11 题。

 9 Where are the two speakers

 A In a restaurant

 B At a pub

 C At John's home

 10 Why did she have to leave at that time

 A She didn't like to stay any longer with John

 B She was afraid of walking alone at night

 C She didn't want to make her mother worried

 11 How did Kate probably get back home

 A She took the last bus back home

 B John drove her back home

 C She drove John's car back home

 听第 8 段材料,回答第 12-14 题。

 12 What happened to Bob

 A He was badly ill

 B He had his legs broken

 C He was hit by a car

 13 When was Bob sent into hospital

 A Three weeks ago

 B More than three weeks ago

 C Five weeks ago

 14 What did Bob do while he was in hospital

 A He read about motorcycle racing

 B He decided to give up motorcycle racing

 C He tried to become much fatter

 听第 9 段材料,回答第 15-17 题。

 15 Who is that woman

 A Jenny Brown, the actress

 B Kate Brown, the actress

 C Joan Brown, the actress

 16 How old can the actress be

 A She is not more than 40

 B She is no more than 29

 C She is at least 40

 17 What does Betty’s answer mean

 A She is still very young

 B She is older than the actress

 C She wants to be an actress too

 听第 10 段材料,回答第 18-20 题。

 18 Why did the woman go to the shoemaker

 A Because she wanted to sell her shoes

 B Because she wanted to have her shoes repaired

 C Because she wanted to see him

 19 How long hadn’t the woman worn the pair of


 A A month

 B Less than six months

 C More than half a year

 20 Why did the woman get angry

 A Because the shoemaker gave her two left


 B Because the shoemaker asked her for a lot of


 C Because the shoemaker forgot to repair her





#英语听力# 导语听力学习同其他内容一样,一定要从基础抓起,尤其是语音的矫正与辨别不容忽视。只有从基础的语音入手,逐步过渡到单词、短语、句子、对话和语篇,才能真正起到提高听力的作用。下面是 无 分享的初中英语听力对话常用短语。欢迎阅读参考!


  1 Hello! / Hi! 你好!

  2 Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好!

  3 I'm Kathy King 我是凯西·金。

  4 Are you Peter Smith 你是彼得·史密斯吗?

  5 Yes, I am / No, I'm not 是,我是。/ 不,我不是。

  6 How are you 你好吗?

  7 Fine, thanks And you 很好,谢谢,你呢?

  8 I'm fine, too 我也很好。

  9 How is Amy / your wife / your husband 爱米好吗?/你妻子好吗?/你丈夫好吗?

  10 She is very well, thank you 她很好,谢谢。

  11 Good night, Jane 晚安,简。

  12 Good-bye, Mike 再见,迈克。

  13 See you tomorrow 明天见。

  14 See you later 待会儿见。

  15 I have to go now 我必须走了。

  16 May I come in 我能进来吗?

  17 Come in, please 请进。

  18 Sit down, please 请坐。

  19 It's time for class 上课时间到了。

  20 Open your books and turn to page 20 打开书,翻到第20页。

  21 I'll call the roll before class 课前我要点名。

  22 Here! 到!

  23 Has everybody got a sheet 每个人都拿到材料了吗?

  24 Any different opinion 有不同意见吗?

  25 Are you with me 你们跟上我讲的了吗?

  26 Have I made myself clear 我讲明白了吗?

  27 Could you say it again 你能再说一遍吗?

  28 Any questions 有什么问题吗?

  29 That's all for today 今天就讲到这里。

  30 Please turn in your paper before leaving 请在离开前将论文交上。


  1 What's this 这是什么?

  2 It's a pen 是支笔。

  3 Is this your handbag 这是你的手提包吗?

  4 No, it isn't / Yes, it is 不,它不是。/是的,它是。

  5 Whose pen is this 这是谁的笔?

  6 It's Kate's 是凯特的。

  7 Is that a car 那是一辆小汽车吗?

  8 No, it isn't It's a bus 不,那是一辆公共汽车。

  9 What do you call this in English 这个用英语怎么说?

  10 What is the color of your new book 你的新书是什么颜色的?

  11 How big is your house 你的房子有多大?

  12 How long is the street 这条街有多长?

  13 What's the name of the cat 这猫叫什么名字?

  14 Where's the company 那个公司在哪儿?

  15 Which is the right size 哪个尺码是对的?

  16 What's this 这是什么?

  17 It's an air-conditioner 这是空调。

  18 Is this yours 这是你的吗?

  19 Yes, it's mine 是的,是我的。

  20 Where are my glasses 我的眼镜在哪儿?

  21 Do you know where I've put my glasses 你知道我把眼镜搁哪儿了吗?

  22 Over there 在那边。

  23 On the desk 在桌上。

  24 Is this your pen I found it under the desk 这是你的笔吗?我在桌下捡的。

  25 No Mine is blue 不是。我的是蓝的。

  26 Which is your bag 哪个是你的包?

  27 The bigger one 大些的那个。

  28 The one on your right 你右边的那个。

  29 Are these books all yours 这些书全是你的吗?

  30 Some of them are mine 一部分是我的。


  1 Who are you 你是谁?

  2 I'm Jim 我是吉姆。

  3 Who is the guy over there 那边那个人是谁?

  4 He's Bob 他是鲍勃。

  5 Is that girl a student 那个女孩是学生吗?

  6 No, she isn't 不,她不是。

  7 What do you do 你是做什么的?

  8 I'm a farmer 我是个农民。

  9 What does he do 他是干什么的?

  10 He's a manager 他是个经理。

  11 She must be a model, isn't 她一定是个模特,不是吗?

  12 I really don't known 我真不知道。

  13 I have no idea about it 我一点都不知道。

  14 Can she be a driver 她可能是个司机吗?

  15 Yes, I think so 是的,我认为是。

  16 What's your name 你叫什么名字?

  17 May I have your name 能告诉我你的名字吗?

  18 My name is Thomas 我叫汤姆斯。

  19 Just call me Tom 就叫我汤姆吧。

  20 What's your family name 你姓什么?

  21 My family name is Ayneswonth 我姓安尼思华斯。

  22 How do you spell it 怎么拼?

  23 Who is the lady in white 穿白衣服的那位**是谁?

  24 Could you introduce me to her 你能把我介绍给她吗?

  25 Rose, let me introduce my friend to you 罗斯,让我介绍一下我的朋友。

  26 This is Tom He's my classmate 这是汤姆。我的同学。

  27 Nice to meet you 很高兴认识你。

  28 Nice to meet you, too 认识你我也很高兴。

  29 Let me introduce myself 让我自我介绍一下。

  30 How do you do 你好!


A演讲B 主持会议C介绍某人

2 为什么那个女人唱歌这么好?

A 她有个好老师B 他教唱歌C 她很年轻

3 男:女士们先生们,等下让我们欢迎简 卡特, 你这么年轻,你怎么唱歌这么好?


男:毫无疑问。我相信你今晚会表现的很好。现在女士们先生们让我们欢迎简 卡特唱歌

 备战雅思听力的烤鸭们看过来!为了考试,我们还是得多加练习,听力常常是短板,所以,我今天为你带来听力练习《 雅思听力练习:逛街购物 》,希望对你的雅思听力有所帮助,听力原件可供下载,做完听力测试,后面有听力原文和翻译可供参考。

  雅思听力: 逛街购物 >>> 点击下载


 接下来听到的对话中,用到了1~6 所列出的单字和片语,请从(A)~(C)中选出一个意思最接近的选项。

 1 Let's… (A) Asking for advice

 2 How about… (B) Making a suggestion

 3 That's a good idea (C) Giving an opinion

 4 What kind of…

 5 Well, I think…

 6 Maybe…

 答案:1B 2B 3C 4A 5C 6B


 Q: Who is making a Christmas present list

 A: __________________




 1 Who is on the Christmas present list

 (A) Friends

 (B) Fellow workers

 (C) Family

 (D) Children

 2 Who is Sam

 (A) Jane's brother

 (B) Pete's uncle

 (C) Jane's dog

 (D) Jane's uncle

 3 Why is perfume not a good idea

 (A) It's the same as last year

 (B) It's too expensive

 (C) A CD is a better idea

 (D) Mother is allergic to it

 4 What present do they decide is a better idea than perfume

 (A) A CD

 (B) A fantasy book

 (C) Soap

 (D) A horror book

 5 What kind of candles do they talk about

 (A) Fragrant ones

 (B) Colourful ones

 (C) Expensive ones

 (D) Large ones

 6 Who will get candles for a Christmas present

 (A) Jane's brothers

 (B) Jane's aunts

 (C) Jane's mother

 (D) Jane's mother and aunts

 答案:1C 2C 3A 4B 5A 6D



 1 What's the date today

 A: ________________

 2 How many brothers and sisters has Jane got

 A: _________________

 3 Who doesn't like music or horror books

 A: __________________

 4 What kind of candles will Jane buy for her mother

 A: __________________

 5 Whose present are they going to decide next

 A: ____________________


 1December the 2"a


 3Jane's sister

 4Pine candles

 SJane's brothers




 What are you doing

 I'm trying to make a Christmas present list

 Already!It's only the 2nd of December

 I know, but I've got a large family and it's always difficult to find them all good presents

 OKLet me help Who would you like to buy presents for

 Well,my two elder brothers, my sister, my parents, my two uncles and aunts, my three cousins and our dog, Sam

 OKLet's start with your sisterHow about perfume

 No,I got her perfume last yearA CD

 She doesn't like music

 OKHow about a book

 That's a good idea

 What kind of book does she like Romantic love stories Detective stories Classical novels

 Well,I think she likes fantasy and suspense But not horror books

 How about the new Harry Potter books

 That's a good idea OK Now, my mum

 Perfumed soap, shampoo, that sort of thing

 Noa bit boring

 OK What about candlesCandles

 Yes, you can buy candles that smell of lavender, pine, roses, strawberries etc and they're not too expensive

 OK, I'll get some pine candles for my mum, and maybe I can buy some lavender and strawberry ones for my aunts, too Now, how about my brothers






 这么早!现在才12 月2 号。

 我知道, 但是我有个大家庭,要想出适合每个人的好礼物总是很困难。




 不行,我去年就送她香水了。CD 唱片














原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/langman/546325.html

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