How I Met Your Mother可以翻译为“老爸老妈的浪漫史。”老爸老妈的浪漫史是美国真人秀节目。
音标:英 [haʊ aɪ met jɔː(r) ˈmʌðə(r)] 美 [haʊ aɪ met jʊr ˈmʌðər]
n (瑞典)梅特(人名)
abbr (met)气象的(meteorological);气象学(meteorology)
v (met)遇见(meet 的过去式和过去分词)
MET Gala 纽约大都会艺术博物馆慈善舞会 ; 纽约大都会博物馆慈善晚宴 ; 纽约大都市时装庆典 ; 慈善晚宴
c-Met 受体 ; 蛋白 ; 酪氨酸激酶 ; 及其受体
Jab We Met 猛然遇见你 ; 火车奇遇结良缘
I Even Met Happy Gypsies 快乐的吉普赛人
Now it looks like these kids had better cancel their weekend plans, because CBS is currently in talks to extend How I Met Your Mother to a ninth season before the eighth has even been filmed
Networks long for this kind of 20-something demographic hit, like the current How I met Your Mother, but they're fatally dependent on the chemistry between the cast and the talent of the writers
11、You know why Because deep down, you didn't want to show up at this thing with a date See, for all your big talk about being ready for a relationship, deep down, you're single It's your default setting你知道为什么吗?因为在你内心深处,你并不想在婚礼上偕伴出现。明白吗?你虽然口口声声发表着恋爱宣言,但是在你内心深处,你认定自己是单身的。那是你的默认设置。
9、You probably want to feel bad for your old man at this point in the story don't Not every night has a happy ending But all of it's important All of it was leading somewhere Because suddenly, it was 2006 And 2006 was a big one故事听到这儿,你们可能会为你们老爸觉得遗憾。别!并不是所有的晚上都是个愉快的结尾,但最重要的是,未来从过去延伸开去。因为突然间2006年就来临了。而2006年,是个大事件年!
3、Kids, every story in a man's life is like a dot in an impressionist painting孩子们,在男人一生中发生的每件事都像是印象派画家画中的一个小黑点一样。
16、We spend so much effort trying to keep parts of our lives hidden, even from our closest friends But those scare times when we do open up, it's amazing how minor those secrets all end up seeming我们费尽心机想要守住的一些生活的小秘密,甚至是对最好的朋友。但在那个奇妙的时刻,当我们揭开各自的秘密,才惊异的发现它们其实是那么微不足道。
5、-- How do you sit out here all night on the roof in the cold, and still have faith your pumpkin's goanna show up-- look, I know that odds are, the love of my life isn't goanna magically walk through that door in a pumpkin costume 2:43 in the morning, but this seems as nice a spot as any to just, you know, sit and wait- 为什么你能整晚坐在这个满是冷风的天台,却仍然坚信你的南瓜**会出现?(经典台词)- 我知道我的胜算很小。我生命中的另一半不会神奇地在凌晨2:43分穿着南瓜服走进这扇门。我只是觉得这是个不错的地方你可以坐下来。。。等待。
14、 I'm saying, I'm here, you're here, this is a big romantic wedding-- why don't we just dance and have a great time, and then when it's over, never see each other again No e-mails, no phone numbers, not even names Tonight we will make a memory that will never be tarnished And then when we're old and gray, we'll look back on this night and it'll be perfect我是说,我在这儿,你也在这儿,在我们身后的就是一场浪漫的婚礼。为什么我们不跳支舞,好好的享受这美好的时光,当这一切都结束的时候,不再跟对方联系。没有邮件,没有电话号吗,甚至不告诉对方我们的名字。今晚,我们就来制造一个永不磨灭的回忆。然后。。。当我们老去,再回顾这个夜晚,我们不会有遗憾。
20、Here's the thing about mistakes Sometimes, even when you know something's a mistake, you grotto make it anywaysweet damn that's a hot plate Hey, is this milk any good even it is this kind of stupid mistake!错误就是这么一回事。有时,即使你知道是个错误,你还是要犯。“见鬼,这盘子真是烫!”“这牛奶坏了没?”即使这是非常非常愚蠢的错误。
4、Kids when you are single, all you're looking for is happily ever after。 But only one of your stories can end that way the rest ended with somebody get hurt孩子们,当你们单身的时候,你们以为感情的结局就是王子公主永远过上幸福快乐的生活。但在你所有的感情经历中,只会有一个是以这种方式结尾,其它都以至少有一个人受伤而告终。
8、Kids, the thing about new year's eve is that it sucks Sure, it looks great on TV, but in reality, it's always just a big letdown孩子们,新年前夜总是糟透了。当然啦,在电视里它看起来还不错,但在现实生活中,它总是让人大失所望。
15、when you meet someone special, suddenly life is full of firsts The first kiss The first night together The first weekend together当你遇到了喜欢的人,生活突然就被无数个第一次填满了。第一次接吻,第一次同居,第一次一起过周末。
18、And that's how robin and I ended up together Turns out,all I had to do was make it rain as i rode home this morning, the city looks the same ,the people looks the same it all looks the same,but it wasn't,in just one night, everything it changed最后我和罗宾又在一起了,原来我要做的就是让宇宙下雨。我早上回家时,这个城市看起来跟往常一样,人们看起来一样,一切都看起来没有变化,但是并非如此,一夜之间,一切都改变了。
1、that's the funny thing about destiny It happens whether you plan it or not I mean I never thought I'd see that girl again But it turns out I was just too close to the puzzle to see the picture that was formal这就是命运最耐人寻味的地方,无论你是否有意得想去做什么。我是指,我从来没想过我还可以见到这个女人。但原来,我只是离拼图太近了而没有看到整副画的全貌。
13、Kids, in life there are a lot of big romantic moments And they make life worth living, but here's the problem: Moments pass, and lurking just around the corner from those moments is a cruel, unshaven bastard named reality孩子们,生活中总有许多重要的浪漫时刻。它们让生活显得更有意义。但是有个问题:浪漫的时刻转瞬即逝,而从浪漫中衍申出来潜伏在角落的是残酷的,不修边幅的混蛋,它的名字叫——现实。
2、And that was when I realized why i hung out with barney I never got where I thought I wanted to go, but I always got a great story我终于知道为什么我会和巴尼玩在一起了,我去的地方从来都不是原先讲好的地方,但我总能从中获得不同寻常的经历。
ROMANCE 和异乎寻常的迷恋 CHARRIOL 首饰创作由Coralie 设计探索多个机会由著名品牌署名缆绳主题买得起和由极端时髦魅力丰富。 永远爱一件极端图解和光亮收藏品, 在60 年代和70 年代以前启发。一件老练, 动态和羽毛光收藏品区别了由直线和精巧制作了表面。收藏品负担爱恋的消息在和平和爱方式下和表达以流行艺术方式。铑被镀的整个地雕琢平面的坚实银色链子创造一淡光, 夺目的作用。匹配的链子, 被打翻与微小的光亮球, 垂悬从脖子和耳朵和摇摆在最轻微的运动。方形或长方形cartouches 用CHARRIOL 缆绳主题垂直被装饰或水平地运载题字爱和转体显露C 品牌商标。这些个人化的信使被制作在铑被镀的坚实银和钢里。爱收藏- 组成由垂饰、印章戒指、圆环、耳环和钥匙囤户- 真实地永远是易爆的, 破裂以形状和特技效果表达一种特别快乐和嬉戏的心情。 2007 年竹子亚洲欢欣清楚地启发了Coralie Charriol 。这条"禅宗" 线特别以竹子为特色与它的柔软健壮的射击和苗条叶子。三silver-plated 和钢模型组成集合。镯子运载一块小匾被装饰与openworked 竹叶子在缆绳三列。第二个镯子特点openworked 竹叶子直接地被安置在一唯一缆绳。第二个集合, 组成由2 个镯子和1 个圆环相同与那些被描述上面, 但在一黑缆绳, 圆这件新首饰收藏。与它精妙openworked 主题, 竹子汇集衣裳CHARRIOL 缆绳在平静和和谐秀丽。 永远爱, 竹子, "L'art de vivre la 区别" 在声调上以时代。