--- good time we had at the party last night!--- Yes. It ...

--- good time we had at the party last night!--- Yes. It ...,第1张



1、what修饰名词或名词短语,有以下两种形式: 1 What+a(an)+(形容词)+单数可数名词+主语+谓语!或是:What+名词词组+主语+谓语! 2 What+(形容词)+可数名词复数或不可数名词+主语+谓语!

2、How引导的感叹句。 how用来修饰形容词、副词或动词。其结构是:How+形容词(副词)+主语+谓语!

根据下文good time,可数名词单数,故用what a。

下文such是形容词,修饰名词,意思是如此的这样的;so是副词,修饰形容词,副词,意思是如此这样。exciting party中心词是party可数名词单数,故用such,选C。

点评:当how修饰动词时,动词不跟着感叹词提到主语之前。 what与how引导的感叹句,一般情况下可以相互转换,转换后意义不变。在口语中,感叹句的主语和谓语常常省略。形容词和副词的区别主要是在句子中作为句子成分的不同,虽然都可以放在动词后面,但是形容词是放在系动词后面做表语,副词放在实意动词后面做状语。形容词作为修饰词只能用作定语,修饰名词。而副词除了修饰动词意外,还可以修饰副词。





3、Aye aye有一股浓浓的海和盐的味道,因为我们经常会在**里听到船员们回答船长“aye aye,Captain”。当然,只用一个aye也是可以的,不过海味就不太够了;By all means有着“务必、尽一切办法”的意思,有一种在恳求对方尽一切方法完成自己请求的语气。

4、Affirmative这个词本身就有“肯定的”意思,用来表示肯定回答再合适不过了。大概是受南美人的影响,也有in the affirmative(表示赞成)的用法;在无线电通信的时候,人们一般用roger来表示“收到”,在平常,大家也是可以用的。




aye和yes都有“是”的意思,aye 其实就是yes,这是yes的古英语,古英语里,ayes代表是,noes代表否,后来就变成了yes和no。严格意义上来说,它们区别在于发音和使用场景不同:


aye 英 [aɪ]   美 [aɪ] 

yes 英[jes]    美[jes]    




Can you spead English(你会说英语吗?)

Yes,i can(是的, 我会。)









okey-dokey 算是OK的弟弟了,说出口的时候总有几分轻松愉快的感觉,所以如果你想用慵懒又诙谐的方式说OK,用okey-dokey就对了。 




Sure是非常确定、肯定的回答,比如Yes, absolutely


Isn't it amazing how one person, sharing one idea, at the right time and place can change the course of your life's history This is certainly what happened in my life When I was 14, I was hitchhiking from Houston, Texas, through El Paso on my way to California I was following my dream, journeying with the sun I was a high school dropout with learning disabilities and was set on surfing the biggest waves in the world, first in California and then in Hawaii, where I would later live

 Upon reaching downtown El Paso, I met an old man, a bum, on the street corner He saw me walking, stopped me and questioned me as I passed by He asked me if I was running away from home, I suppose because I looked so young I told him, "Not exactly, sir," since my father had given me a ride to the freeway in Houston and given me his blessings while saying, "It is important to follow your dream and what is in your heart Son "

 The bum then asked me if he could buy me a cup of coffee I told him, "No, sir, but a soda would be great" We walked to a corner malt shop and sat down on a couple of swiveling stools while we enjoyed our drinks

 After conversing for a few minutes, the friendly bum told me to follow him He told me that he had something grand to show me and share with me We walked a couple of blocks until we came upon the downtown El Paso Public Library

 We walked up its front steps and stopped at a small information stand Here the bum spoke to a smiling old lady, and asked her if she would be kind enough to watch my things for a moment while he and I entered the library I left my belongings with this grandmotherly figure and entered into this magnificent hall of learning

 The bum first led me to a table and asked me to sit down and wait for a moment while he looked for something special amongst the shelves A few moments later, he returned with a couple of old books under his arms and set them on the table He then sat down beside me and spoke He started with a few statements that were very special and that changed my life He said, "There are two things that I want to teach you, young man, and they are these:

 "Number one is to never judge a book by its cover, for a cover can fool you "He followed with, "I bet you think I'm a bum, don't you, young man"

 I said, "Well, uh, yes, I guess so, sir "

 "Well, young man, I've got a little surprise for you I am one of the wealthiest men in the world I have probably everything any man could ever want I originally come from the Northeast and have all the things that money can buy But a year ago, my wife passed away, bless her soul, and since then I have been deeply reflecting upon life I realized there were certain things I had not yet experienced in life,one of which was what it would be like to live like a bum on the streets I made a commitment to myself to do exactly that for one year For the past year, I have been going from city to city doing just that So, you see, don't ever judge a book by its cover, for a cover can fool you

 "Number two is to learn how to read, my boy For there is only one thing that people can t take away from you, and that is your wisdom " At that moment, he reached forward, grabbed my right hand in his and put them upon the books he'd pulled from the shelves They were the writings of Plato and Aristotle-immortal classics from ancient times

 The bum then led me back past the smiling old woman near the entrance, down the steps and back on the streets near where we first met His parting request was for me to never forget what he taught me



“You are a teacher,aren't you”“Yes,I am”



“Your brother won't come soon,will he?”“No,he won 't”





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