(1)学生的语言表达和阅读能力下降。 (2)造成这一现象的主要原因:一是学生阅读量少;二是由于漫画、音像制品不断普及带来的负面影响。 建议:学校加强对学生阅读的引导,引导学生更多地阅读文字作品,开展丰富多彩的读书活动。(符合题意即可) |
Song,S, Su,M, Kang,C, Liu,H, Zhang,Y, McBride-Chang,C, Tardif,T, Li,H, Liang,W, Zhang,Z, & Shu,H , Tracing children’s vocabulary development from preschool to school-age years: An 8-year longitudinal study, Developmental Science, (in press) Zhang,Y, Tardif, T, Shu, H , Li, H, Liu, H, McBride-Chang, C, Liang, W, Zhang, Zh, Phonological skills and vocabulary knowledge mediate socioeconomic status effects in predicting reading outcomes for Chinese children, Developmental Psychology, 2013, 49(4): 665-671 Zhang, Y, Zhang, L, Shu, H , Xi, J, Wu, H, Zhang, Y & Li, P, Universality of categorical perception deficit in developmental dyslexia: An investigation of Mandarin Chinese tones, Journal of Child Psychology and psychiatry, 2012, 53(8):874-882 Zhang,Y, Li, J, Tardif, T, Burmeister, M, Villafuerte, S, McBride-Chang, C, Hong, L, Shi, B, Liang, W, Zhang, Zh, Shu, H, Association of the DYX1C1 dyslexia susceptibility gene with orthography in the Chinese population PLoS ONE, 2012, 7(10):e43192 Yang,J, Wang,X, Shu,H & Zevin, J Task by stimulus interactions in brain responses during Chinese character processing, Neuroimage,2012 60(2):979-990 Lei,L, Pan,J, Liu,H, McBride-Chang, C, Li,H, Zhang,Y, Chen,L, Tardif,T, Liang,W, Zhang,Z, & Shu,H Developmental trajectories of reading development and impairment from ages 3 to 8 years in Chinese children, Journal of Child Psychology and psychiatry, 2011, 52(2), 212-220 Zhang,L, Shu, H , Zhou, F, Wang,X, & Li,P Common and Distinct Neural Substrates for the Perception of Speech Rhythm and Intonation Human Brain Mapping, 2010, 31:1106-1116 Shu, H, Peng, H & McBride-Chang, C Phonological Awareness in Young Chinese Children Developmental Science, 2008, 11(1): 171-181 Shu, H, McBride-Chang, C, Wu S, & Liu, H Understanding Chinese Developmental Dyslexia: Morphological Awareness as a Core Cognitive ConstructJournal of Educational Psychology,2006, 98 (1):122-133 Shu,H, Chen,X, Anderson,R, Wu,N & Xuan,Y Properties of school Chinese Child Development, 2003, 74(1), 27-47
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