英语time is on your side怎么翻译?

英语time is on your side怎么翻译?,第1张

Have you been feeling that pull你感觉到了那种力量吗?And are you hearing that call你听到了那种呼喊吗?'Cause you've got everything that you need to make a start现在你已拥有了需要的一切,可以出发了。I had a dream of my own我曾经有个梦想Just walking out of my home只是走出家门And going I don't know where to sing beneath the stars无论去哪里 在星星下唱歌Your whole life lies ahead你的整个生命在于前进It's just around the bend而它仅体现在拐弯处So when the sun is coming up and you go所以当太阳升起的时候你就向前走And there's still so many things you don't know路上会有很多未知的事情等着你Don't you look back, I've no doubt that I Will see you on the road只要你不回头,我就确信我会在路上遇见你When the world's laying you low当这个世界让你处于低谷Why don't you let me carry your load你为什么不让我帮你替你扛起重担When things get bad you know you have a friend All along the road当事情变的糟糕,你要知道你还有一个朋友一路上陪伴着你And I would love it sometime并且我也很乐意这么做If you would walk at my side只要你一路与我同行Going I don't know where to sleep beneath the stars一起去我也不知道哪里的地方 在星星下睡觉If in your life you need a hand只要你的生命中需要帮助Reaching the promised land来到达那片我承诺过的乐土Golden light lies ahead金色的阳光就在前方It's just around the bend它就在那拐弯处When the world's laying you low当这个世界让你处于低谷Don't you let it rattle your bones不要让它磨平了你的骨头Sometimes a dream itself can keep you safe有的时候,只要一个梦想,就能保你平安All along the road一路随行


Met you, I fell in love with you



I want to say to you:Ilove you still



In the wind andrainin the miss,thedialogueI think,the day I met youis I this life the biggestMemorial day



I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you



遇见你我很幸运的英文翻译为:I'm lucky to meet you


I'm lucky to meet you

lucky 英[ˈlʌki] 美[ˈlʌki]

adj 运气好的,侥幸的; 兆头好的,吉祥的; 〈俚〉难得; 很恰当的;

[例句]I'm really a lucky guy




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