


开头: (1) 月、日、年:如 Auqust15,200

            (2) 日、月、年:如 15thaugust,200


称呼:称呼指写信人对收信人的称呼,写在信头的下方和信笺的左边。称呼一般用Dear或 Mydear开头,称呼后一般用逗号。





一、根据提示写一份举行隔周一次的英语晚会(every-other-week Enlish evening) 的书面通知。

提示:1时间:11月24日,周六晚上7点。2地点:2号教学楼的报告厅(lecture room)。3内容:歌曲,朗诵(recitation),舞蹈,话剧等,还有美籍教师演讲。4目的:提高学生英语听说能力。5报名地点:办公室203室,学生会(Students’ Union)

注意:1要点不得遗漏 2符合书面通知的格式 3词数为 100 左右。


In order to improve the students ’ listening and speaking ability, the every-other week English evening is to be held in the lecture room, No2 Teaching Building , at 7:00 pm this Saturday, November 24th Program includes songs, recitation, dances, plays and so on And our English teacher from America is going to make a short speech about English study Everyone is welcome Those who would like to take part in it , please sign your names at the Students’ Union, Room 203,Office Building

Students’ Union


1 表示歉意; 2 解释原因; 3 另约时间。


Dear Tom,

I am indeed very sorry that I can't go to Beijing with you next week , which I have promised I feel sorry for about it and want you to know what happened

Just now ,my cousin , Li Qiong , who left home to Australia for his further study last year , informed me that he would return this Saturday morning and asked me to pick him up at the airport with his family You know , we haven't seen each other for nearly a year

I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand me I would appreciate your allowing me to make another date to show you around Beijing Once again ,I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua

三、假设你将参加某英文杂志开展的一次征文活动,内容要求你在电视,手机和网络三者中,放弃其中的一个并陈述理由。请你以“which would you give up: TV, cell or Web” 为题,写一篇短文。

Which would you give up : TV , cell or web

We are now living in an information age , in which TV , cells and the web are widely used It seems that many people can not enjoy themselves with them

However , if I had to give up one of them , I would turn off TV rather than switch off my cell or cut off the internet I could do without TV because few TV shows can take my fancy and there're too many commercials Besides , most programs on TV are also available elsewhere

As for cells and the web , they are more necessary to me I need a cell to keep in touch with my friends and family , and almost all information can be gathered on the internet



1There are many different opinions among people as a ,some people suggest that


2Today which have brought a lot of harms in our daily lifeFirst,Second,what makes things worse is that

现在, 它们给我们的生活带来了许多危害。首先其次最糟糕的是

3As far as is concerned 就而言

4It can be said with certainty that可以肯定地说

5It has to be noticed that必须注意到

6It’s generally recognized that 普遍认为

7Nothing is more important than the fact that没有什么比更重要

8There’s no denying the fact that不可否认

9As the proverb says 正如谚语所说

10What’s far more important is that更重要的是


1Therefore, we have the reason to believe that因此,我们有理由相信

2Therefore, in my opinion,it’s more advisable因此,在我看来,更可取的是

3All things considered 总而言之

4I will conclude by saying 最后我要说

5From what had been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that通过以上结论,我们可以得出以下结论

6The data/statistics/figures lead us to the conclusion that通过数据我们得到的结论是

7It can be concluded from the discussion that从中我们可以得出这样的结论

8 From my point of view, it would be better if在我看来如果也许更好

1 作文文信信的格式怎么写


(2)问候语 问候语要写在称呼的下一行,空两格。它可以独立成为一段。

(3)正文 正文一般分为连接语、主体文、总括语三个部分。每一个部分开头都应另起一行,空两格落笔。

(4)祝颂语 祝颂语是表示致敬或祝贺一类的话,如“此致”、“祝”等。它可以紧接着正文写,也可以独占一行,空两格写。

另外,在写与“此致”和“祝”相配套的“敬礼”、“健康”一类表示祝愿的话语时,一般要另起一行顶格写。 (5)署名 写完信之后,在信的右下角写上发信人的姓名叫做署名。

在署名的前面一般还要加上合适的称谓,如“同学”、“好友”,“弟”“妹”等。 (6)日期发信的日期可写在具名的后边,也可以另起一行。


2 英语作文书信的格式,最好有范文

Dear My Friend,

How are you Do you want to know about my English studyOK,I will tell you

I study English at Sunday afternoon at o o'clockI study JianQiao EnglishAnd,last Saterday I took part in the Public English TestI think I can passAnd,next Monday,my school will have an English words testI want to take part inI am sure,I can win

Well,it's lateIn the end of my letter,I put my best wishes for you!

Please write to me soon!



3 英语作文中书信的格式

(一) 英文书信的组成部分 英文书信一般由六部分组成。

即:信头(Heading)、信内地址(Inside Address), 称呼(Salutation),正文(Body of Letter)、结束语(Complimentary Close)、署名(Signature), 有时在书信后面还有附言(Postscript)、附件(Enclosure),这得视具体情况而定。下面将分别说明。

1 信头(Heading) 信头是指写信人的地址和写信日期, 一般写在或打在第一面信纸的右上角,先写地址再写日期,地址的写法是从小到大,先写门牌号、路号,再写区名、市名、省名,最后写国名。时间的写法对英国人和美国人而言是不同的。

英国人习惯按日、月、年的顺序写, 而美国人习惯按月、日、年的顺序写。例如: 英式:1st October,1999 美式:October 1,1999 在使用前一种形式时,月和年之间的逗号可用可不用,但是在后一种形式中,必需要使用逗号。

信头的写法有缩进式和齐头式。缩进式每行开头向右缩进一两个字母;齐头式左边对齐排列,如下所示: 缩进式 Wang Ming Dept of Chemical Engineering Dalian University of Technology Dalian 116023 Liaoning Province P R China 齐头式 Wang Ming Dept of Chemical Engineering Dalian University of Technology Dalian 116023 Liaoning Province P R China2 信内地址 (Inside Address) 信内地址要写出收信人的姓名和地址。


地质也是从小到大写出,分缩进式和齐头式两种。例如: 缩进式 The President Oxford University England 齐头式 Jiang Bin 64Heping Road PRChina3称呼(Salutation) 称呼是对收信人的称谓。


(1)当给一位熟悉的人写信时可以用Dear 或是My Dear。在英国,My Dear 比Dear亲切,而在美国,Dear比My Dear 亲切。

(2)当给一位你不知婚否的女性写信时,可以用Ms……,这是指"……女士"。 (3)在给不熟悉的人写信时,可以用Dear sir, Dear Madam, Dear sirs, Gentleman 等等。

4正文(Body of Letter) 正文是一封信的主体部分。通常在称呼的下一行写出。



开头几句简单地寒暄后就不如正题,在结尾处要有祝愿和敬语。 常用的开头语有: I have received your letter of July Ist 7月1 日来信已经收悉。

I have the pleasure to tell you that ……很高兴告诉你……。 I am very much delighted to receive your letter 非常高兴收到你的来信。

It is my honor to inform you that ……很荣幸告诉你……。 常用的结束套话有: I am looking forward to hearing from you 盼早日回信。

Wish best regards 祝好。 Thank you for your help 感谢你的帮助! Wish my best wishes for your success 祝你成功。

Wishing you a happy holiday 祝假日愉快! Hoping to hear from you soon 希望能尽快收到你的回信。5结束语(Complimentary Close) 结束语在正文之后隔一两行的偏右方开始写出。

开头字母用大写,以后的字母用小写,最后一个词后面用逗句。 常用的结束语有: 一般非正式的关系: Yours sincerely, Yours truly, Yours faithfully, Most sincerely, Faithfully yours, 亲密的关系: Love, Yours love, Yours Affectionately, With love, Lovingly yours, Yours ever, 上级和长者: Yours respectfully, Faithfully yours,6署名(Signature) 在结束语的下方是签名,先手写出,再打出来。


如: Yours sincerely, Lucy Blake (手写) Lucy Blake (Miss)(打印) Sales Manager7附言(Postscript),附件(Enclosure) 在信件正文写作时可能漏掉了某些事,或临时发生了某事需要补充时,可以在信下面左下方写出上PS 如果随信有附件可在爱左下端注明。如: Enclosure:1Invoice(发票) 2Resume(个人简历) (二)英文书信实例 上面介绍了英文写信的主要组成部分以及各部分的写作特点,接下来我们将提供五种英文书信的范例。

1祝贺信 当朋友有了喜事,如结婚、高升、获奖的时候,你可以向他写出一封祝贺信,表达你的嘱咐与恭贺。例文1 Mechanical Engineering Department Dalian University of Technology Dalian 116023 Liaoning,China November28,1999 Mr WangXiming Mechanical Engineering Department Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Mass 02139 USA Dear Mr Wang, Thank you for your letter of November 3,1999 I am sorry not to have written back earlier but time seems to pass so quickly I learnt from your letter that you had received you master's degree I would like to congratulate you on your splendid success In this letter I am bringing you a piece of good news:your wife gave a birth of a boy last week and she ins in good 。

4 英文作文书信格式范文中英文

How is everything going! Last time you said you are anxious now because you find it hard to learn English well Don't worry I think you have to improve your English step by step And I will right behind you In my view, you should develop you interest on English first According to my experience, I think watching English movie, listen to some wonderful English songs and talk in English on the Inter would be helpful Secondly, you have to prepare lessons before class that will help you understand what the teacher says in the class I know you feel bored in the class, but you have force yourself to be concentrated A few days later you will feel it a little easy to learn English The left steps I will tell next time By the way, we have not seen each other since your family move to Hunan a year ago Have you ever thought about going back to visit me and learn English together in the ing Summer vacation Looking forward to your reply


5 英文80字作文信格式

Beijing is a city with a long history There are many places of interest in it Now let me tell you some of them The Forbidden City is one of the most popular ones for visitors It is very big and you can learn much about the history of China from it The Summer Palace is beautiful and famous, too The Great Wall is also a wonderful place to go And Tian" anmen Square is a good place for people to take a walk I hope you will enjoy your staying in Beijing。

6 英语作文

Dear Uncle Jackie,

I heard that you got a promotion to be a manager in your pany recently Congratulations to you! I know that you have been working really hard You totally deserve it! I really feel very happy for your achievement!

And your 40th birthday is around the corner too ! I want to express my heatfelt blessings to you Wish your health, richness and happiness in the years to e, and greater success in your career

Best Regards,

Yours truly,

Jim Green

7 英语作文书信格式写给朋友


How are you now

Today,I am surprised and pleasure at seeing newspaper report that about your weddingFirstly,I apologize for my absenceI was very busy lately that I have no time for your weddingAnd then,my best wishes for you

Last time you wrote me that you and your wife will moved to my neighbourI'm very glad to hear the news We have not seen for yearsI miss you sorelyWhen you came back,we can do what we have done year's agoI deeply hope that we will live like before just as we were never been apartI really love the feeling with youI'll be waiting for you and your wifeWe'll get on very pleasant

I miss you very muchI'm looking forward to see you

Yours sincerely,


8 急需一篇英语作文,书信的格式

No25,Happy Street

Beijing 100025

People's Republic of China

December18, 2003

Dear Miss Wei,

We are so glad to have received your letter from the United States We have been missing you since you left us for the USA for further study We are really thankful to you for your excellent job We shall never fet those interesting lessons you gave us All of us are determined to learn English well We hope you can write to us often and tell us something more about your study and life in America

Best wishes


Wang Li

9 英语作文,以明信片的格式

No 1022,



Dear Dad & Mom,


Next week, I will have moved into Room 3-1 of the City Park, 14th, Oxford Avenue which is near to the bank

Post code of this zone is 99037

Wele to our new home! Please call at 7635089 before you e and I will pick up you at the airport

I wrote down these on the post card in a restaurant where we can have a very good Chinese dinner after we will have arrived the new home and had a short rest We can walk to the restaurant as it is just at the right side of our new home


Li Hua


1 关于写一篇英语写信格式的作文

Dear sir or madam,

I'm sorry to tell you ,the flights to Paris next week will be diverted to Lyons because of an air traffic control disputei am not sure how long the dispute will lastyou can refund or book for a later date

Thanks a lot and look forward to hearing from you soon

Best Regards,


2 英语作文写信的格式怎么写

Dear My Friend,

How are you Do you want to know about my English studyOK,I will tell you

I study English at Sunday afternoon at o o'clockI study JianQiao EnglishAnd,last Saterday I took part in the Public English TestI think I can passAnd,next Monday,my school will have an English words testI want to take part inI am sure,I can win

Well,it's lateIn the end of my letter,I put my best wishes for you!

Please write to me soon!



3 英语作文信件的格式怎么写

42 Orchard Road

Bootle ------------写信人的地址


L20 6HB

The Director -----------收信人的姓名或头衔

7 March 1993 -----------日期

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to。 -----------引言

I lould be grateful。 -----------文章

I look forward to hearing from you ------------结语

Yours faithfully


kate Burton

4 英语作文写信的格式



A 信头(Heading)


(a)月、日、年:如August 15, 200__

(b)日、月、年:如15th august, 200__


B 称呼(Salutation)

称呼指写信人对收信人的称呼,如Dear Xiaojun,写在信头的下方和信笺的左边。称呼一般用Dear…或My dear…开头,称呼后一般用逗号。

C 正文(Body)


D 结束语(Complimentary Close)

它是书信结尾的恭维话,相当于文中书信最后的“祝好”、“致礼”之类的话语。本课书信中的“Best wishes”(致以最好的祝愿)就是结束语。

E 签名(Signature)

签名通常签在结束语下方的中间偏右的位置,如本课信中的Charlie。签名应是亲笔书写,即使是打写机打出的信件,最后仍需亲笔签名。在签名的上方可根据写信人和收信人的关系写上Sincerely yours/Yours sincerely(用于长辈或朋友之间),或Respectfully yours/Yours respectfully(用于对长辈或上级)。


5 英语作文书信格式

一般格式 英文书信的构成可分为8个部分:信头(Heading),日期(Date),收信人姓名及地址(Inside Name and Address),称呼(Salutation),信文(Body of the letter),结束语(Complimentary close),署名(Signature),附言(PS) 信头(Heading) 信头是指发信人的单位名称或地址一般情况下发信人只需把自己的地址写(打字,手写均可)在信的右上角,离开信纸的顶头约1英寸,占二三行或四行均可,格式如下:①齐头式 ②缩进式 注意:写地址的次序与中文不同,应先写门牌号码街道,然后城市和国名写地址时采用齐头或缩进式,以及每行后要不要加标点符号,都没有固定的规定如写给经常往来的亲友,这项地址也可以省略日期(Date):写日期注意下列各点:①年份应写全,例如不能用“99”来代替“1999”;②月份应写英文名称,除May,July外,可用缩写,如:Sep,Oct但不要用数字来代替,如7/4/99 或7,4,99,因为在英国此日期代表 7th April,1999,而美国则代表4th July,1999③日期可用1,2,3,4…11,12…21,22…31等,也可用lst,2nd,3rd,4th…11th,21th…22nd…31st等日期的几种写法:aJuly 7,1998 b1st October,1998 c30 Nov,1997 dSep3rd,1999 ④特别注意英文书信日期应紧接着写信人地址下一行,不能像写中文书信那样写在书信签名之后,这是很多学生的常见错误收信人姓名及地址(Inside Name and Address) 写信人的地址和日期写好以后,接着就要写收信人的姓名和地址,一般的事务信件或给较生疏的朋友的信件要写,而在给极熟的朋友的信中则可省去这一项写在日期下一行的左上角收信人姓名写一行,收信人地址可分两行或三行写,和写信人的地址一样,上下可取齐,也可以向右缩进在姓名前一般要加上称号,称号因人而异①对普通男子用Mr;②对未婚女子用Miss;③对已婚女子用Mrs,对婚姻状况不明确的通常用Ms(后跟本人姓); ④对男子用Master;⑤对教授或博士(医生)用Prof或Dr 称呼(Salutation) 称呼指的是信文开头的那种称呼,如Dear ,Mr,Uncle,各种称呼因人而异在称呼后面一般是用逗号,但也有用冒号的现归纳如下:①对父母、兄弟、姐妹等;aFather,bMy dear Mother,cDear Sister,dDear Tom,②对亲戚:aMy dear Auntie,bDear Cousin,cMy dear Cousin。

6 英语作文书信的格式,最好有范文

Dear My Friend,

How are you Do you want to know about my English studyOK,I will tell you

I study English at Sunday afternoon at o o'clockI study JianQiao EnglishAnd,last Saterday I took part in the Public English TestI think I can passAnd,next Monday,my school will have an English words testI want to take part inI am sure,I can win

Well,it's lateIn the end of my letter,I put my best wishes for you!

Please write to me soon!



7 用英语写信的格式

1)信封(envelope)英语的信封和中文的一样,有三部分组成,即发信人地址收信人地址和邮票只不过英语信封的格式除了邮票所贴的位置(信封的右上角)和中文的一样外,英语信封上要写的发信人和收信人的地址和中文的大不一样发信人的地址应写在信封的左上角,收信人的地址应写在信封偏中右偏下处2)信头 (heading),即写发信人的地址和日期(右上角)3)信内姓名地址 (inside address),即写收信人的姓名和地址(左上角)4) 称呼 (salutation),即写对收信人的尊称(一般用Dear Mr… ,; Dear Madam Helen,; Dear Miss…,; Dear John,; Dear Professor Smith,等)称呼直接写在收信人地址的正下方,中间空一至二行称呼后面的标点一般只能用逗号以上信头、信内姓名和地址三部分的结构如图5)正文 (body),即信件内的主要内容正文第一句句子一般和称呼之间空一至二行6)信尾客套语 (plimentary close),即写信人在信的右(或左)下角,写上表示自己对收信人一种礼貌客气的谦称一般有Sincerely,; Sincerely yours,; Yours sincerely,; Friendlyyours,; Truly yours,; Yours truly,; Cordially yours,; Yours cordially,等7)信尾签名 (signature),即亲笔签上写信人自己的姓名如果是用打字机或电脑写的信,在写信人签名的上方,同样应该打上写信人的姓名除以上七个部分外,有时一些英语书信还包括:(1)附件 (Enclosure),以Enc表示,如附有证明应写为EncCertificate;(2)再启 (Postscript),以PS表示;(3)抄送件(Carbon Copy to),以cc表示,说明一式多份抄送其他有关人员这些都是次要的补充部分PS主要在私人信件中使用,事务信件中应避免使用,以免造成写信人粗心大意的印象Enc和cc大都用在商贸信函中。

8 英语写信格式具体是怎样的

英语写信格式是怎样的呢?现在网络信息快速发展,给人们的沟通交流带来了很大的方便,写信的方式进行沟通交流是越来越少了你还记得写信的格式吗?英语写信格式是怎样的你知道吗?下面就为大家介绍下:英语写信格式 English letter writing format 1、信纸的右上角写时间、地点 例如,March 9,2012,Beijing In 1,the top right-hand corner of the page to write the time,sites such as March 92012,Beijing,2、开头:Dear XXX At the beginning of2,:Dear XXX 3、内容:最少三段 Content:3,at least three section 4、落款:Your Sincerely XXX,Your Faithly XXX,诸如此类 4:Your Sincerely XXX,signed,Your Faithly XXX,and so on 首先要看你写信的性质是官方而正式的书信?还是朋友间的通信?You should first look at the nature of the letterIs the official and formal lettersStill friends munication?无论是哪一种,基本的英文书信格式应包括四大部分:日期,称呼,正文,和落款(包括敬语) Either way,the basic format of English letters should include four parts:the date,name,text,and signature ( including honorifics ) 1、朋友间的书信格式:October,16,2011(右起顶格);Dear Jimmy(左起顶格); I'm glad to receive your letter。

(正文,开头空四格); Yours Sincerely,Jack(右下,包括敬语和落款) 2、官方、正式的书信 信内应包含收信人地址(西方古时防止信封损坏地址无着而沿用至今的传统)、日期、称呼、正文、落款等其实官方的书信更多应该参考第3点,越全面越表示你对他们的重视3、更为严格的商务英语电函,包括有十几种元素难度很大,但是是英文商务信函的必备 (信头是寄信人地址、公司信息,收信人地址,经由转交,参考号,日期,称呼,主题,正文,敬语,落款,签名,附注,附件等等)英语写信格式上述已经为您介绍了,如果还有不懂的,可以关注其他文章,看看英语书信范文。

9 英语作文写信格式

信头(Heading) 信头是指发信人的地址和日期,通常写在第一页的右上角。


私人信件一般只写寄信日期即可。例如: 123 Tianhe Road Tianhe District Guangzhou 510620 Guangdong Province P R C Jan 8, 2010 512 信内地址(Inside Address) 信内地址要写收信人的姓名和地址。


513 称呼(Salutation) 称呼是对收信人的称谓,应与左边线对齐,写在收信人姓名、地址下面1-2行处。在称呼后,英国人常用逗号,美国人则常用冒号。


如: Dear Professor/Prof Bergen: Dear Dr Johnson, 对不相识的人可按性别称呼: Dear Sir: 或Dear Madam: Dear Ladies。 如果不知收信人的性别则可用Dear Sir or Madam: 514 正文(Body of Letter) 正文是书信的主体。



如果是第一次给别人写信,也可用开头语作必要的自我介绍,并表明自己写信的主要目的。 515 结尾礼词(Complimentary Close) 公务信件的结尾礼词包含两部分:发信人的结尾套语与署名。

结尾套语写在签名上面一行,第一个字母要大写,套语结尾后面要加逗号。在公务信件中,发信人常用的结尾套语有: Yours truly, Yours sincerely, Respectfully yours, Cordially yours, Yours cordially等。

私人信件中,发信人常用的结尾套语有: Sincerely yours, Lovely yours, Your lovely, Your loving son/daughter等。 516 签名(Signature) 写信人的签名常位于结尾礼词正下方一二行。


A Letter to A Schoolmate June 23, 2001 Dear Xiao Wang, I'm very glad to learn that you're going to visit me during the week-long holiday My parents will also be happy to see you again I am sure you will enjoy every minute here I have arranged our schedule for the holiday as follows On the first day you arrive, I'll show you around our campus On the second day, we'll visit the art gallery and the music hall Next day, we'll climb a hill in the northeastern part of the city On the top of the hill, we can have a wonderful bird's eye view of the city During the next three days, we'll make some short trips to some places of interest nearby, such as the Swan Cave, the Golden Lake, etc On the last day, I'll see you off at the railway station Please remember to call and tell me your train number and time of arrival so that I can meet you at the railway station By the way, it's very hot here and we have a lot of sunshine, so don't fet to wear you sunglasses I'm looking forward to seeing you soon Sincerely yours, Zhang Ying。

写信类 英语 作文 怎么写有什么格式要求作文是 英语学习 中的重点,我们一定要掌握各种类型的作文。下面是我为大家整理了英语作文写信格式及 范文 ,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!




(1)月、日、年:如August 15,20__

(2)日、月、年:如15th August,20__



称呼指写信人对收信人的称呼,写在信头的下方和信笺的左边。称呼一般用Dear…或My dear…开头,称呼后一般用逗号。


英语作文书信结尾的恭维话,相当于文中书信最后的“祝好”、“致礼”之类的话语。本课书信中的“Best wishes”(致以最好的祝愿)就是结束语。



英语作文写信必备 短语 、例句

1How is it going最近怎么样

2I am glad to receive your letter很高兴收到你的来信。

3I am looking forward to receiving your letter我期待着你的来信。

4Thank you in advance提前谢谢你。

5Please wirte to me as soon as possible请尽快回信

6Good luck |Best wishes祝你好运

7对…有害do harm to/be harmful to/be detrimental to

8对…观点因人而异Views on…vary from person to person

9把时间和精力放在…上focus time and energy on…

10缓解压力/减轻负担relievestress/ burden


Dear Mercy,

How is everything going!

Last time you said you are anxious now because you find it hard to learn English wellDon’t worryI think you have to improve your English step by stepAnd I will right behind youIn my view,you should develop you interest on English firstAccording to my experience,I think watching English movie,listen to some wonderful English songs and talk in English on the Internet would be helpfulSecondly,you have to prepare lessons before class that will help you understand what the teacher says in the classI know you feel bored in the class,but you have force yourself to be concentrated

A few days later you will feel it a little easy to learn EnglishThe left steps I will tell next timeBy the way,we have not seen each other since your family move to Hunan a year agoHave you ever thought about going back to visit me and learn English together in the coming Summer vacationLooking forward to your reply





Beloved father and mother:

How do you do!

If you are the water, then I am the small fish in the water; if you are the blue sky, I am the little bird flying in the sky; if you are the sea, I am the coral reef in the sea

It is very early to tell you what I have said in my heart I have never had a chance to tell you about it in the middle of the exam

When I was born, you were afraid of money and sent me to the country's aunt's house An aunt to me very well, when I get married daughter, I live very happily At the age of nine, you sent me to the home of the great man in the city, where I had been suffering for three years because they did not see me as a man Three years later, back to you, I think I will be very happy and happy, but you

Because I'm not growing up with you, you don't trust me, you know how I want your understanding and trust!

Remember that year, one night, you know that I called the country's aunt, you gave me a meal, looked at the body of blood, I couldn't help crying, but you are screwing my ears, my heart is very painful, more painful And let me kneel on the floor brick for two or three hours You too did not understand me, they bear bitter hardships to bring me up, shouldn't I call them

You know, how I hope to get your understanding!

On that day, the teacher asked to pay the book for twenty yuan When I speak to you, your great response, Dad shouted to me: "tomorrow let your teacher to write a check up, is not really to pay!" your mother is saying: "I ask tomorrow!" you know, you hurt her pure heart ah! The second day, the teacher call you, after confirming you don't apologize to me, but that day for money!

You know how I want to get your trust!

It's the wind! You blow a little faster and wake up your mom and dad's brain! Let them wake up!

Small fish also need freedom, birds need to understand, and coral reefs need trust, isn't it

Mom and Dad, just ask the wind to tell you what I think!



Your daughter:  ____


20 June 20__

Dear Mr Seaton,

Thank you very much for taking me with you on that splendid outing to London It was the first time that I had seen the Tower or any of the other famous sights If Id gone alone, I couldnt have seen nearly as much, because I wouldnt have known my way about

The weather was splendid on that day, which I thought was rare I still remember some people told me that in Britain there was weather and no climate During the same day, it might snow in the morning, rain at noon, shine in the afternoon and be windy before the night falls So I think I was lucky

Ithink the river trip was the best thing of all London really came alive for me as we saw it from the Thames during that wonderful journey down to Greenwich It was all tremendously exciting - a day that I shall never forget

Thank you for giving me such a great birthday treat

Yours sincerely,

Linda Chen


20 March 20__

Dear Sir,

Iwas very interested in your advertisement in todays edition of The Evening Post and I should like to apply to be a member of the Amazon Expedition team

Iam twenty-three years old and have an honors degree in Botany from Bath University Since leaving university I have been working in a research laboratory but my contract comes to an end in six weeks I would particularly like to join the expedition for the opportunity it would give me to study the plant life of the area I enjoy several outdoor activities including rowing and rock climbing and I consider myself to be both fit and healthy enough to undertake such an expedition

If you would like me to attend an interview, I would be able to come at any time convenient to you, (J1) my employers have agreed to give me time off for the purpose

Ilook forward to hearing from you

Yours faithfully,

Lily Ma


Dear Brown,

It is my pleasure to recommend Li Ming, my good friend, for his application to work in your company Li Ming graduated from Beijing Industry University His major is Computer Software During the four yearsstudy he has done a good job Every year he got the first grade scholarship And he also has got the title of the Excel lent Graduate

He is an enthusiastic and progressive young man with high potentiality He is not only quick at learning but also good at solving difficult problems with logical mind I am sure that it will benefit your company if he can work for your company I strongly recommend him to your company


Wang Lin


Dear Lily:

I think you had better feed a hamster,the trendiest kind of pet these days is the small hamster People like them because they are quiet and clean I have a hamster named Tom,its very cute and easy to take care of,and its cheaper than rabbits or cats,so I bought it Shes my best company,because she reads books and listens to music with me every nightHowever,life with a hamster isnt always perfect,she sometimes noisy at night ,she love sleep all day,too So,sometimes she is very boring! How do you think








Dear He Jian,

My name is Wang Jiajia I study in Xinqi School I’m twelve years old I like English very much, because my English teacher is very kind My favourite fruit is apple, because it’s sweet and healthy My favourite day is Tuesday, we have computer, PE and English It’s a great day Tell me about your school, please

Your pen pal,







Dear Jim,

I‘d like to tell you that I‘ve been a senior high school student now

At the sight of my new school,I found it so wonderful that I can‘t describe it with all my wordsThere are many trees,bright rooms,as well as a large playgroundIn addition,I‘ve met a lot of new friends,who are very friendly to meAlso,I‘ve taken my first English class in senior high school todayMy teacher is not only knowledgeable but also a little interesting,which made me rather excited

At the end of the day,I felt a little tired but more than happy,for I‘ve met so many interesting classmates

Best wishes to you!




Dear David,

I'm glad you'll come to Beijing to learn Chinese Chinese is very useful, and many foreigners are learning it now It's difficult for you because it's quite different from English You have to remember as many Chinese words as possible It's also important to do some reading and writing You can watch TV and listen to the radio to practise your listening Do your best to talk with people in Chinese You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from people around you If you have any questions, please ask me I'm sure you'll learn Chinese well

Hope to see you soon in Beijing


Wang Ming







Dear friend,


Hello, I'm your new friend My name is Bob I'm fifteen I'm American I live in New York


I am a middle school student I'm good at maths It is very interesting My favourite sport is basketball And I am not only a basketball fan but also a good player I like music My friend and I often sing pop songs together

我是一个初中生,我擅长数学,它很有趣。我最喜欢的运动是 篮球 ,我不仅仅是一个篮球迷,也是一个很好的选手。我喜欢音乐,我经常跟我的朋友一起唱流行歌曲。

After school, I am interested in getting on-line I have known a lot about China from the Internet Now I am learning Chinese I hope I will visit your country one day


Please write to me and tell me something about your life I am looking forward to hearing from you

请给我回信 说说 你的生活吧,我期待着你的来信。





英语作文写信格式及范文相关 文章 :

★ 英语作文写信格式及范文

★ 英语书信范文10篇

★ 英语书信格式范文大全及参考范文

★ 英语书信格式范文大全及参考范文

★ 英文给朋友写信范文10篇

★ 英语书信格式

★ 高考英语作文书信格式范文

★ 高中英语作文范文书信格式作文

★ 英文书信的格式及满分范文

★ 英语作文写信格式模板(3)

var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = documentcreateElement("script"); hmsrc = "https://hmbaiducom/hmjsfff14745aca9358ff875ff9aca1296b3"; var s = documentgetElementsByTagName("script")[0]; sparentNodeinsertBefore(hm, s); })();

1 英语作文书信格式范文

一,英语作文书信格式: 1,最上面顶格写你要把信写给谁。

2,第二段写你要对这个朋友要说的话。 3,写完后最后的一行写上你自己的名字。

二,范文: Dear Mike,I am glad to introduce my family to you My family is a warm and happy familyThere are 5 people in my family, my grandpa, my grandma, my father, my motherand I My grandparents are both teachers, they are still teaching in a universityGrandpa is for maths, and Grandma is for English, sometimes their students eto our home to send their greetings to them My father is working in an American factory,he is very busy Every evening he is doing his work in the midnight At weekend he alwaysgoes to factory for his work My mother is a nurse Her hospital is near my home I am a student in Junior high school I hope you will introduce your family to meyours sincerely Tom :英语写作文的注意事项: 避免使用汉语式英语。避免使用汉语式英语。



注意语序 (感叹句,疑问句,宾语从句。书写规范, 卷面整洁,以避免不必要的失分。

2 帮写5篇英语作文

(一) 英文书信的组成部分英文书信一般由六部分组成。即:信头(Heading)、信内地址(Inside Address),

称呼(Salutation),正文(Body of Letter)、结束语(Complimentary Close)、署名(Signature),

有时在书信后面还有附言(Postscript)、附件(Enclosure),这得视具体情况而定。下面将分别说明。1 信头(Heading)

信头是指写信人的地址和写信日期, 一般写在或打在第一面信纸的右上角,先写地址再写日期,地址的写法是从小到大,先写门牌号、路号,再写区名、市名、省名,最后写国名。时间的写法对英国人和美国人而言是不同的。英国人习惯按日、月、年的顺序写,


英式:1st October,1999

美式:October 1,1999




Wang Ming

Dept of Chemical Engineering

Dalian University of Technology

Dalian 116023

Liaoning Province

P R China


Wang Ming

Dept of Chemical Engineering

Dalian University of Technology

Dalian 116023

Liaoning Province

P R China2 信内地址 (Inside Address)



The President

Oxford University


Jiang Bin

64Heping Road



(1)当给一位熟悉的人写信时可以用Dear 或是My Dear。在英国,My Dear 比Dear亲切,而在美国,Dear比My Dear 亲切。


(3)在给不熟悉的人写信时,可以用Dear sir, Dear Madam, Dear sirs, Gentleman 等等。4正文(Body of Letter)



I have received your letter of July Ist 7月1 日来信已经收悉。

I have the pleasure to tell you that ……很高兴告诉你……。

I am very much delighted to receive yo

3 英语作文书信格式写给朋友


How are you now

Today,I am surprised and pleasure at seeing newspaper report that about your weddingFirstly,I apologize for my absenceI was very busy lately that I have no time for your weddingAnd then,my best wishes for you

Last time you wrote me that you and your wife will moved to my neighbourI'm very glad to hear the news We have not seen for yearsI miss you sorelyWhen you came back,we can do what we have done year's agoI deeply hope that we will live like before just as we were never been apartI really love the feeling with youI'll be waiting for you and your wifeWe'll get on very pleasant

I miss you very muchI'm looking forward to see you

Yours sincerely,


4 英语书信格式怎么写



dear Mary:







Dear Mary ;


客套话 结束语


pany/corporation (2)学生 I am a freshman/sophomore/junior/senior/undergraduate/graduate the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of Beijing University 2、写作目的 I am writing the letter in purpose of ordering some books/resigning my current post/position 3、尾段写法 A 表示感谢 (1) My appreciation to you for your generous help is beyond words (2) Words fail me when I want to express my sincere gratitude to you (3) I take this opportunity to show my heartfelt appreciation for the kind assistance you rendered me B 期待回信 (1) I am looking forward to your reply/hearing you soon (2) I look forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience (3) Your prompt attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated 4、常用书信的客套语 一问候 I haven't heard you for ages How are you doing I haven't seen you for such a long time How are you getting along with your work? 二祝贺 I want to congratulate you with all my heart I warmly congratulate you on what you've achieved 三致谢 I am most grateful to you for your help I want to thank you heartily for what you have done 四询问 I wonder if you could tell me what to do I'd be most grateful if I could have your full support Please could you let me know something about it 五邀请 Is there any chance of your ing to have dinner with us at our home We are wondering if you could e to have dinner with us at our home 六接受邀请 I'm delighted to accept your invitation Thanks for your invitation I'm certainly looking forward to joining you 七拒绝邀请 I'm sincerely sorry that we can't join your dinner party I regret to say no to your invitation Thank you for your invitation but unfortunately… 八抱歉 I do apologize for having kept you waiting I'm awfully sorry for giving you so much trouble 九同情 I'm more than sorry to hear of your illness I can't tell you how sad I felt when I heard of… 十安慰 It was a great shock to hear… I just can't tell you how saddened I am… I'm most grieved to learn of… 〔英语作文书信格式〕随文赠言:失败是什么?没有什么,只是更走近成功一步;成功是什么?就是走过了所有通向失败的路,只剩下一条路,那就是成功的路。

8 写一篇英语作文,书信格式,谢谢

dear,,, my name is Liqiang,I am a thirteen—year—old boy,and I e from ……(自己写)I like your school very much,and l will go visiting your school I am freeBut I want to know something before I eHere is what I want to know Can I go there on weekends What could I bring into the school When is the best time to visit there Please replay to me soon,thank you very much!。

“邂逅”的英文:meet  unexpectedly


Beautiful is very accidental meeting, we are called it meet unexpectedly 


meet  读法  英 [miːt]   美 [miːt]


1、Meet love 遇见爱情

2、Cute Meet 浪漫的邂逅 

3、invitation meet 邀请赛 






meet, contact, confront这组词都有“遇见,会见,碰见”的意思,其区别是:


2、contact 多指通过书信、电话或直接会面和别人联系。口语用词。

3、confront 不可避免的,面对面的相遇。也指敢于正视困难或问题的决心和信心。


原文地址: https://hunlipic.com/lianai/11065692.html

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