

Germany's horse • Susan Steiner, the wife of Olympic gold medals and photographs held high, not only let people see a strong Hercules, was also deeply impressed by his deep love for his wife

The most powerful moment: Natalya • Pa Dika, born with a disability in the lower right arm strong girl, known as a table tennis and Health "Venus"

The most emotion of the moment:

Canoe, other countries have players wear the proper uniform, but Iraq's players are already wearing the old T-shirt, but they are still strong game

The most gratifying moments:

She is already 33-year-old German veteran Oksana that Alessandro • • Xu Fu Na Suoweidina In order to treat his son suffering from leukemia, had her 26-year-old team back, this is her fifth Olympic Games, the women's vault and the silver medal, the audience expressed her admiration for them

The most memorable moment:

• Nuer Zhan Taylan, the Athens Olympic Games women's weightlifting champion Beijing Olympic Games after losing, Taylan at the end of a special pre-kissed barbell, moving

The most aggrieved moments:

Beijing Olympic shooting competition, defending champion Zhu Qinan in the final rely on the reversal of the last shot won the silver medal Zhu can not help tears

The most passionate moment:

• Matthew Emmons head buried deep in the arms of his wife, and no one at this moment to see whether he shed tears

The most persistent of the moment:

Russia's Isinbayeva in the Beijing Olympic Games women's high jump final to win the gold medal and create a new world record of 505 meters This is the 24th high jump queen rewritten own world record

The most courageous moment:

In the men's 10,000 meters in the project, in Ethiopia's Nisa - Kenenisa Bekele broke the Olympic record, but from Athens to Beijing, Kenenisa Bekele of inside tremendous pain His fiancee accompanied him in training death

The most tragic moment:

Liu Xiang, he lost his Olympic Games in Beijing

The most warm moments:

Xian Dongmei, she became the first Chinese Olympic history, "Mother Champion"

The most shocking moment:

South Africa's Natalie - Charles Hoyt did not get a medal, not to be among the top ten, but all expressed admiration for her

The most touching moment:

After the game, Luan Jujie held high in the market, "the motherland" of the stride length to the audience to express their minds

The feelings of the moment:

Beijing Olympic Games, Du Li played twice, and twice to tears

The cry of the moment:

Cao Lei in the women's weightlifting competition won a gold medal, after the match, she said, "Today's gold, I would like to dedicate the motherland and the people at the same time I was dedicated to the near death of the mother"

The breakthrough moment:

World record holder, Jamaica's bolt 9 seconds to break the world record of 69 wins, easily crowned the "Fast Runner" throne

The most legendary moments:

"The only" Phelps, 36 years after the Olympic Games set a new personal record, as well as the Beijing Olympic Games to write the most touching legend

The moment the most grace:

In the audience with an avalanche of cheers sound like a "king rings," congratulations, Chen Yibing was quite general demeanor of the fingers on the mouth, hands the audience quiet down, because the back of another player is about to debut race

The most touching moment:

In a game never give up the model athlete - Yao Ming, who is representing the Chinese people unite tenacious manner in the spirit of the Hero - Lin Hao

The most exciting moment:

This is a gold medal the men, who have been waiting for for four

健身房里面的一片一片的插片,放杠铃上面的,英文叫做"Weights Locks"。这些插片通常用于增加或减少杠铃、哑铃或其他器械的重量。在调整重量时,将插片插入或移除,以达到所需的负荷。

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A high-level language needing a compiler to translate it into machine language These languages include APL,COBOL, pascal, C, PL-1, and so on


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and so on;And all that


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The English language boom stems from a variety of sources:weald trade,diplomacy,pop culture,science and so on


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On Mondays he might go to school in blue, on Tuesdays in green, on Wednesdays in brown, on Thursdays in black, and so on


The ministry of defense had various departments to control the infantry, the cavalry, the elephants, the chariots, the navy, supply and so on


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Besides pineapples, we have papaya, mango, banana and so on


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The satellite has sent back such information as temperature, radiation, and so on


They like climbing, running, diving, swimming, lifting, jumping, and so on


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"and personal certificates such as education, health, passports approved by the state, and so on"


A computer is an erudite tutor, and a talented secretary who can draw up documents, manage data, design blueprints, type papers and so on


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There is also a record of an artist painting a winnowing fan for a king with the figures of snakes, dragons, horses, carts and so on


A long-lost brother, who was presumed dead, was really alive all the time and wickedly plotting to bring about the hero's downfall And so on


She has many accomplishments, being able to sing, play the piano, draw, and so on


Because of the high cost of wall tiling, ducting for services, lift structures and so on


Nowadays there's a lot of good fishing gear available: reels, fiber glass rods and so on


"For example, high strength reinforced bar, stainless steel medium plate, auto wheel rim steel and so on "



你有想过这两个器材的差异性哪?同样的训练要用杠铃还是哑铃强度较强呢? ©Muscle & Fitness

大家都知道哑铃和杠铃是重量训练最基本的两种器材,我们也都把它们的训练方式称为自由重量(Free Weights)。哑铃是由一个短杠搭配上两端的重量,主要是设计为单手握法;而杠铃是由一个长杠搭配两端的杠片重量组成,主要设计给双手训练使用。哑铃和杠铃这两个器材,也就像你所知道的可以进行许多的训练动作,例如:肱二头肌弯举或三角肌肩推,用哑铃和杠铃都能执行这项训练,但哪个训练比较好呢?接下来我们就分析一下这两个的差异性。


1可让手臂独立训练 用哑铃训练是有帮助的,因为它允许你手臂能作独立训练,例如:我们常见的惯用边的肌肉都会比较强壮,相对来说肌力也会比较好。当你在使用哑铃作训练动作时,这种两边不平衡的状态就会变的十分明显,这时你会发现肌力较弱的手臂可能已经开始不稳,甚至于已经单边力竭,这时后使用哑铃可以帮助纠正力量不平衡外,还可以独立训练肌力较弱的单边肌肉,例如:你的胸部左侧比右侧大,你就可以使用单臂卧推来纠正这种肌肉不平衡的情形。 2提供更大的运动范围 虽然哑铃可以提供更全面的运动范围,但要注意的是当哑铃放的越低(例如卧推)的时后,对于肩关节上所施予的扭距(压力)就会越大,这对于肌力较弱的肩膀关节是有危险性的。


3加强身体核心的稳定 使用哑铃训练能有助于稳定肌肉并改善肌肉协调性,因为,你必须要控制两个独立的手臂动作,而不是同时用双臂控制,这会使得哑铃训练在执行时,多了一些更复杂的身体稳定性。换句话说,你的肌肉将不得不做更多的工作,来保持身体及训练肌群的稳定。 4可选择单臂或交替训练 因为你正在使用两个独立的工具作训练,所以有机会可进行交替训练动作,例如:交替卧推,一只手臂按压哑铃,而另一只手则放下哑铃或单臂动作,例如:一只手臂进行所有的重复训练操作。 这对于许多运动员来说,交替式练习和单臂式练习提供了一种更具体的运动特性训练方式,因为许多运动项目都涉及单臂运动,例如:棒球投手、排球以及羽球等等,不是运用两只手臂同时移动的运动项目,都能用哑铃来特别加强单边肌力。


1无法提供大重量 任何一位经验丰富的举重运动员都可以告诉你,没有什么可以比杠铃卧推来的更重的重量,尽管用哑铃下降的角度比杠铃要大,但哑铃却无法提供杠铃这样的大重量来做训练,例如:你哑铃可以单手握推20公斤,那么你杠铃很有可能可以卧推起50公斤的训练量。 2许多动作与哑铃不相关 许多运动如奥运会举重,蹲举和举重都与哑铃不相关。虽然你当然可以用哑铃做这些动作的变化,但它们一般不会那么有效。一些练习只需要一定的爆发力,这是哑铃无法达到的 3不是进步的最佳器材 根据一些统计数据证明,当你使用杠铃进行同样的练习时,大多数人的力量会增强20%,因此,大多数的人也会发现,用杠铃而不是哑铃进行训练是比较容易,这样的结果可以预料的,因为,杠铃让你可以举起更重的重量,因为你不必担心身体需要更多的稳定性,加上你实际上是用两只手来举起一个重量,而不是单手举起。

根据一些统计数据证明,当你使用杠铃进行同样的练习时,大多数人的力量会增强20%。 杠铃训练的好处

1可以加重重量 正因为如此,在你使用哑铃训练之前应该要先做杠铃训练,因为,杠铃可以让你更快速的使用更大的重量,它不会让你明显感觉到双边肌力的差异性,这时后你就可以把重量强度往上提升,这也是哑铃所无法作到的双边训练模式,因此,杠铃可以让你短时间的进步增加较多。 2脊椎的负荷相同 当你在使用杠铃训练的时后,因为是使用双手握住一根杠子来施力,这时后身体的平衡力量会比使用哑铃少很多,所以,对于脊椎的压力就会比较平均。

杠铃可以让你更快速的使用更大的重量,它不会让你明显感觉到双边肌力的差异性。 杠铃训练的缺点

1不自然的运动模式 用杠铃的时后你可以感觉出手有种绑在一起的感觉,这样也会造成一些运动角度与轨迹的限制,跟机械式器材有点类似,这容易迫使你的肩膀和手肘透过一种不自然的模式来做训练,换句话说,你的双手不能朝任何方向旋转,这样就会迫使你的手肘和肩膀作补偿,经过长时间的训练之下,很可能你的关节会获得疼痛或伤害。 2让稳定肌群参与较少 因为杠铃属于双手臂一起运动的训练器材,对于双边对称肌力的差异性较不明显,所以,身体就比较不需要太多的核心稳定肌群来做参与集协调。

3无法提供大运动范围 杠铃无法提供较大的运动角度与下降范围,例如:卧推的时后,哑铃可以将角度与下降范围扩大,让肌肉的拉伸获得更大更好的范围,而杠铃只能下降到胸前就停止。 4不太适合手腕运动 有许多的健美者都有发现,在手腕上的训练哑铃可以比杠铃有更多的角度来做调整,他们可以稍微内弯或是外旋手腕来做练习。

资料参考/mensjournal 责任编辑/David



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