fat is bad,thin is in .请说出对这句的看法和理解,最重要的是对这句话的看法。

fat is bad,thin is in .请说出对这句的看法和理解,最重要的是对这句话的看法。,第1张

基本意思差不多,不过thin的话表达不准确,考虑对仗还有具体意思的话应该是fat is out, fit is in 虽然英文中fat很不礼貌,但是这里本来就是贬义,所以ok,fit要比thin合适。去健身房,锻炼叫get fit,所以不只是瘦,而且是合身,健康的瘦,thin有单薄的意思,这里用不合适,不够积极正面。



英[fɪt] 美[fɪt]

vt 安装;使……适应;使……合身;与……相符

vi 符合,配合;适合;合身

adj 健康的;合适的;恰当的;准备好的

n 合身;发作;痉挛

n (Fit)人名;(捷、罗)菲特


英[θɪn] 美[θɪn]

adj 薄的;瘦的;稀薄的;微弱的

vt 使瘦;使淡;使稀疏

vi 变薄;变瘦;变淡

adv 稀疏地;微弱地

n 细小部分

n (Thin)人名;(越)辰;(柬)廷



答案是有的,为了描述这个极限我们需要一个衡量指标:FFMI值(Fat Free Mass Index),Google翻译译为:“无脂肪质量指数”,接触健身的人肯定对他不会陌生,FFMI经常被用来判断你目前的肌肉量达到了什么阶段。FFMI=KG×(100%-体脂率)/Meter^2,若身高超过了18米,则FFMI(调整后)=FFMI+60×(Meter-1,8)。对比于BMI指数,FFMI指数没有把脂肪算到重量里,被认为是在测量进展和潜力最实用的工具。

附:BMI指数(Body Mass Index),身体质量指数也称克托莱指数,用来衡量肥胖程度。BMI=体重/身高的平方(单位kg/m²)

分类 WHO标准 亚洲标准 中国参考标准 相关疾病发病的危险性

偏瘦  <185  <185  <185  低(但其他疾一                                            病危险性增加)

正常  185~249  185~229 。185~235 平一                                                        均水平

超重  ≥2 5 ≥23  ≥24 

偏胖  250~299  23~249 。24~269  增加

肥胖  300~349  25~299  27~299  中度增一                                                                加

重度肥胖  350~399  ≥30  ≥30  严重增加

极重度肥胖  ≥400    非常严重增加



FFMI指数对于男性:              对于女性:

16--17 :肌肉量低于平均水平  13--14 :肌一                                      肉量低于平均水平

18--19 :肌肉量平均水平  15--16 :平均值

20--21 :肌肉量高于平均值    17--18 :高一                                                    于平均值

22 :肌肉量比较高        19--21 :很高

23--25 :肌肉量很高    >22 :不用药不可  一                                                          能达到

26--27 :高到可能已经有用药的可能了

28--30 :不用药达不到的数值










健身英语词汇集锦 1 健身房 gym 每个人到健身房的目的不一样,也许你会想要: 健康点 to become healthy 保持体态 to get fit 减肥to lose weight 增重to gain weight 增强肌肉 to build muscle 塑身to shape your body 眼睛吃冰淇淋 to watch nice bodies 交朋友 to make friends 打屁to chat 2 健身中心 fitness center 健身俱乐部:health club 3 健身教练 trainer 4 运动鞋 sneaker 5 置物柜 locker 6 入会费 membership fee 7 参加 (健身课程) to enroll in The member ship fee is 23,000 when you enroll in our program 当您完成入会手续后,我们会跟您收取两万三千元的入会费。 8 局部瘦身 spot reduction spot (n): 部位 reduction (n):减少 9 脂防 fat 消除脂肪:to reduce the fat / to get rid of the fat 低脂饮食:low-fat diet I work out every day in order to increase the muscle in my chest and arms and get rid of the fat around my waist 我每天健身,为的就是增加我胸部和手臂的肌肉,并消除腰部的脂肪。 10 体适能 fitness 11 健身 to work out 我们也可以把work out两个字合在一起,变成一个名词:workout It's becoming a trend for modern people to work out in the gym 现代人在健身房健身已慢慢成为一种趋势。 The model goes to the gym for a workout five times a week 这个模特儿每个星期到健身房健身五次。 You'd better have/get some workout 你最好做点运动。 12 体脂肪 body fat 13 卡络里 calorie 燃烧卡洛里:to burn calorie A calorie-controlled diet will help those who want to lose weight 控制热量的饮食对想减肥的人很有帮助。 14 曲线 curve She's got all that right curves Every guy is so crazy about her 她的曲线尽现!每个男人都为她着迷。 15 暖身 to warm up warm-up两个字合起来,可当形容词用;美国口语,也可以当名词用。 We all should warm up before doing some exercises 开始做运动前,我们都应该暖身。 Let's warm up the car engine before we start 我们把汽车马达热一下,再开车吧! Warm-up stretch is extremely important before any exercise 做任何运动前,暖身的伸展运动是非常重要的。 After a warm-up of ten minutes, he started jogging 暖身十分钟后,他开始慢跑。 16 伸展 to stretch stretch 可以当作动词,也可以当作名词用。 伸展收缩:stretch and contract Every time you work out you should begin and end with a few stretches 每次健身的前后,都应该做些伸展的动作。 Stretch your arms up! 把你的手臂往上伸展。 为了减低sports injure (运动伤害)的发生: Always stretch before and during workouts 健身之前和健身过程,一定得做伸展的动作。 17 柔暖度 flexibility flexible (adj): 柔软的 Since your flexibility level is bad, you are in desperate need of a stretching routine of some kind 既然你的柔暖度不是很好,你很急需固定做些伸展的运动。 18 仰卧起坐 sit-up If you can do 100 sit-ups every day, you will have a six-pack look soon 如果你每天都可以做100个仰卧起坐,你很快就会有六块肌。 19 伏地挺身 push-up I can do 100 push-ups in a row Don't get jealous You will do it someday 我可以一次做100个伏地挺身。别忌妒。总有一天你也可以的。 20 劲走 power walking 21 直排轮 In-Line Skating 22 有氧运动 aerobics 有氧的:aerobic I think I have to take an aerobics class now 我想我得上些有氧运动的课程了。 The famous actor does aerobics twice a week 这位闻名的男演员一星期会做两次有氧课程的运动。 23 重量训练 weight training/weight lifting 举重:to lift weights 口语叫做:to do weights 一想到重量训练(weight training),相信你对哑铃(dumbbell)和杠铃(barbell)一定不陌生吧! 星沙英语 24 肌力/肌耐力训练 strength training 25 心肺/有氧训练 cardiovascular training 口语可以说成:cardio Do cardio four days







fat模式是一种传统的wlan组网方案。无线ap本身承担着认证终止、漫游切换、动态密钥生成等复杂功能。与ap相比,ap的功能相对较重,因此被称为fat ap。



文章来源:  http://wwwbbccouk/guides/z9j7bk7

Around 60% of adults in the UK are overweight or obese, according to a 2013 study by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation They are labelled this way because of their body mass index, or BMI

根据健康指标与评估研究所2013年的一项研究,英国约有60%的成年人超重或肥胖。 由于他们的体重指数或BMI,他们被标记为这种方式。

We’re used to the idea that being fat is harmful But some people who have a high BMI are relatively safe when it comes to the risk from serious conditions such as diabetes or heart disease Meanwhile, people with a supposedly ‘healthy’ BMI could still have a high risk of developing health problems Some argue that BMI, which dates back to the mid-19th Century, is no longer fit for purpose Research suggests there may be other, more accurate measures of individual health

我们习惯于认为脂肪是有害的。 但是,一些BMI较高的人在患糖尿病或心脏病等严重疾病的风险方面相对安全。 同时,具有所谓的“健康”BMI的人仍然可能具有发展健康问题的高风险。 一些人认为,可追溯到19世纪中期的BMI已不再适合。 研究表明,可能还有其他更准确的个人健康指标。

BMI has become a popular way to quickly and cheaply gauge fatness – and therefore health But it doesn’t always work well for everyone

BMI已经成为一种流行的方式,可以快速,低成本地测量肥胖 - 从而衡量健康状况。 但它并不总是适合每个人。

BMI doesn't distinguish between fat, muscle and bone This means it doesn't necessarily tell us how much body fat we have

BMI不区分脂肪,肌肉和骨骼。 这意味着它并不一定告诉我们我们体内有多少脂肪。

People with a lot of muscle bulk can have a high BMI, even if their body fat is low On the other hand, some older people who lose their muscle with age could see their BMI fall into the ‘healthy’ range, despite carrying too much fat BMI also doesn’t take into account where the body fat is

肌肉体积很大的人即使身体脂肪含量低,也可能有很高的BMI。 另一方面,一些随着年龄增长而肌肉衰老的老年人即使携带过多的脂肪,也会看到他们的BMI进入“健康”范围。 BMI也没有考虑身体脂肪的位置。

Research shows that people who carry a lot of fat around their waists are at higher risk of health problems than those with more fat around their thighs and buttocks So waist size may be a better way to monitor your health than BMI

研究表明,在腰部附近携带大量脂肪的人比大腿和臀部周围脂肪更多的人更容易出现健康问题。 所以腰围尺寸可能比BMI更好地监测你的健康状况。

While waist size may be a better indicator of health than BMI, it too still has its limitations It isn’t recommended for use in children, as it doesn’t take into account a person’s height Waist size increases with age, and it can’t be used in pregnancy It may also need to be adjusted for ethnicity For example, East Asian and South Asian men may be more susceptible to diabetes than Caucasian men with the same waist size

虽然腰围尺寸可能是比BMI更好的健康指标,但它仍然有其局限性。 不建议儿童使用,因为它没有考虑到人的身高。 腰围尺寸随年龄增长而增加,不能用于怀孕。 它也可能需要根据种族进行调整。 例如,东亚和南亚男性可能比腰围相同的白人男性更容易患糖尿病。

Beyond body shape and size, there is one test that has been shown to correlate extremely well with health This test, known as VO2max, measures the amount of oxygen your body uses while exercising as hard as you can VO2max is a useful way of measuring aerobic fitness And in studies, people with higher levels of aerobic fitness lived to an older age

除了体形和大小之外,还有一项测试表明它与健康状况非常吻合。 这项测试称为VO2max,可以测量身体在锻炼时使用的氧气量。 VO2max是测量有氧适应性的有用方法。 在研究中,有氧健身水平较高的人寿命较长。

Regular aerobic exercise is the obvious way to get fitter But whatever your BMI or waist size, you can still improve your general fitness levels by becoming more active in daily life – be that doing the gardening, cycling to work, or walking instead of driving Any exercise that makes you slightly breathless helps to improve your aerobic fitness

定期进行有氧运动是获得健康的明显方法。 但无论你的BMI或腰围大小,你仍然可以通过在日常生活中变得更加活跃来提高你的一般健康水平 - 无论是做园艺,骑车上班,还是步行而不是开车。 任何让你微微喘气的运动都有助于改善你的有氧健康。

So what’s the easy way to get healthier?

Stretch it out

Sitting at a desk for long periods can lead to various aches and pain in your body, particularly the back

There are a variety of stretches you can do in the office to help combat this though

Relax your back muscles by reaching your arms up to the sky, as far back as you can safely go

You can help your neck by tucking your chin towards your chest while sliding your shoulder blades down







Get cooking early

Cooking a meal from scratch is the best way to eat healthily – you're completely in control of what goes into it

You should also try to eat your evening meal as early as possible

Michael Mosley and Dr Jon Johnston explain how the human body has natural rhythms that make it better able to process food earlier in the day


从头开始做饭是健康饮食的最佳方式 - 你完全可以控制食物。


Michael Mosley和Jon Johnston博士解释了人体如何具有自然节律,使其能够更好地在当天早些时候处理食物。

Plate size matters

It can be tricky to know when you've had enough to eat But there are some things you can try to keep your appetite in check

Using a smaller plate, like a side plate instead of a dinner plate, will make you psychologically less likely to overeat

Or try eating until you feel almost, but not quite, full This method is widely used in Okinawa in Japan – the island with more people over the age of 100 than anywhere else in the world



知道你什么时候吃饱了可能会很棘手。 但有一些事情你可以尝试控制你的胃口。


或尝试吃,直到你感觉到,但不是很充实。 这种方法在日本冲绳地区得到广泛应用 - 这个岛屿的人口超过100岁,超过世界其他任何地方。


If you've eaten your dinner, don't rush into second helpings Try to wait 15 to 20 minutes before eating more

Nutritionists say it can take this long for your brain to receive the signals that you're full

Clear everything away

如果您已经吃过晚餐,请不要急于进行第二次帮助。 尝试等待15至20分钟后再吃更多。



Once you’ve served food, don’t leave it on the table This will stop you from picking at it when you're already full

Pop your leftovers in a container and keep them for tomorrow’s lunch

You can save a lot of money this way – if you spent £5 a day on lunch, this will end up being more than £1,000 per year!

Tomorrow's lunch today

一旦你提供食物,不要把它放在桌子上。 当你已经满员时,这将阻止你挑选它。


你可以用这种方式节省很多钱 - 如果你每天花5英镑吃午餐,那么每年最终会超过1000英镑!


If you have no leftovers, you should make your lunch now for tomorrow It means you won’t be tempted by what's on offer in your canteen or local shops and cafes

By doing it yourself you're able to make sure unhealthy levels of sugar and salt don't go in, and you can probably save money too

Housework and workout

如果你没有剩菜,你应该为明天做午餐。 这意味着您不会受到食堂或当地商店和咖啡馆提供的产品的诱惑。



Don't think of housework as just a chore - it's also a great way to squeeze some more exercise into your day

A man of average weight (just over 13 stone) could burn around 50 calories with 10 minutes of vacuuming

Put your phone away

It’s a good idea to stop looking at screens as the evening draws on

Artificial light disrupts your body’s natural rhythm and production of melatonin, a hormone which induces sleep

不要把家务劳动当作一件苦差事 - 这也是一种很好的方式来吸收更多的锻炼。







楼主无非是对“high fat”疑问最大,高脂肪往往会带来高热量,能够迅速补充运动时所需要的能量,同时在增肌方面,红肌过重也会影响增肌。至于高脂肪对减脂来说,有一种减肥方法(名字忘了,应该是美国人发明的)就是只吃肉,什么也不吃,道理就是没有碳水化合物的摄入——当然,这种减肥方法副作用会很大,也很贵。

虽然我对“high fat“并不敢十分的保证,但楼主要知道,脂肪分两种:1、饱和脂肪,就是我们俗说的坏脂肪;2、不饱和脂肪——好脂肪。我想就算是高脂肪,应该是指的不饱和脂肪。

乳房组成主要是乳线织组(Glands)及脂肪(Fat),而女性的乳房是由一层膜将整个乳房结构包覆起来,称为「Breast Envelope」,附着在胸部上。

而在乳房顶端的附近,有结缔组织所组成的韧带,这粗厚的韧带让乳房能附着在Breast Envelope上.

而女性胸部的肌肉则位于在乳房的底端,胸大肌(Pectoralis Major)是较其中较大的胸肌,而胸小肌是较小的胸部,位在胸大肌的下方。
















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