That cake is more expensive than this one.(英译中)

That cake is more expensive than this one.(英译中),第1张




( )1Awake Blake Cgame Dhave

( )2Abig Brice Cmilk Dswim

( )3Ahome Brose Cshop Dhope

( )4Ahead Beat Cmeat Dweak

( )5Acar Bparty Chard Dwarm

( )6Acake Bcat Ccity Dclock



( )1My watch is old ,but I like it a lot

Anot small Bnot new C not light

( )2When did they get to the zoo

Ago to Barrive Creach

( )3I got a letter from my friend yesterday

Aheard from Bheard of Cwrote to

( )4The Blacks went to the park last Sunday They enjoyed themselves

Ahad a meeting Bhad a good time Cliked themselves

( )5I do some washing every Saturday

Amake clothes Bbuy clothes Cwash clothes


6There are three ________________________ in the tree (bird)

7This ruler is the ________________________ of the three (long)

8Who lives on the ________________________ floor (seven)

9She often helps ________________________ with my English (I)

10I think this sweater is __________________than that one (beautiful)

Ⅲ 选择填空。(共20分,每小题1分)


( )1Tom _________ in Class 1, Grade 3

Aam Bis Care D be

( )2We have only four classes ________ Monday

Aat Bin Cby D on

( )3This is my bag , and that is ________

Ahe Bhis Chim D they

( )4“ ________ is my skirt ” “It´s behind the door ”

AWhere BWhat CWhose DWhich

( )5Granny is badly ill We have to take her to the ________

Afarm Bpost office Cshop D hospital

( )6Sam learns Chinese ________

Agood Bnice Cfine Dwell

( )7Your father is a policeman , ________ he

Ais Bdoes Cisn´t Ddoesn´t

( )8“Can you speak Japanese ” “Only ________ ”

Alittle Ba little Cfew D a few

( )9The teacher´s name is John Henry Brown His students call him ________

AMr Brown B Mr John CMr Henry D Mrs Brown

( )10My mother is busy ________ housework now

Ado Bdoes Cdid D doing

( )11Please pass me ________

Atwo glass of water Btwo glasses of waters

Ctwo glasses of water Dtwo glass water

( )12“Can you fly a kite ” “No , I ________ ”

Amay not Bneedn´t Cmustn´t Dcan´t

( )13We often ________ newspapers in the morning

Aread Blook Csee Dwatch

( )14I have two apples ________ of them are on the table

AAll BOne CBoth DEach

( )15I´m sorry I´m late There is ________ with my bike

Aanything wrong Bsomething wrong

Cwrong anything Dwrong something

( )16They will have a sports meeting if it ________ tomorrow

Awon´t rain Bwill rain Cdoesn´t rain Drains

( )17I don´t know ________

Ahe is how old Bhe how old is

Chow old is he Dhow old he is

( )18Mr Smith ________ here since the factory opened

Ahas gone Bhas come Chas been Dhas arrived

( )19My dictionary ________ I have looked for it everywhere , but still ________ it

Ais lost ,don´t find Bis missing , don´t find

Chas lost ,haven´t found Dis missing , haven´t found

( )20My uncle ________ to see me He ________ here in a minute

Acomes ,is going to be Bis coming , will be

Chas come , has been Dcame , was



You´d________ ________ to see the doctor today


Mike ________ go to bed ________ he finished his homework last night


This question is ________ difficult for me ________ answer


It _______________ him an hour _____________ mend this bike yesterday afte-rnoon


English is ________ important ________ maths



A:Hello !91411420

B:Hello Is Lucy 1________ home

A:Yes Please 2________ 3________ for a moment

C:Hello 4________ is Lucy speaking Who is 5________

B:This is Jane We´d like to go to the West Hills 6________ bike ,and have a picnic there Would you like to go 7________ us

C:OK When and where shall we 8________

B:At 6:30 ,at our school gate Is that all right

C:No problem

B:By the way ,Lily wants to to with us ,too Please tell her the 9________ and place

C:10________ right


A:Are you free tomorrow

( )B:11_________

A:What shall we do then

( )B:I don´t know 12_________

A:Good idea ! Shall we ask Jim

( )B:OK ! 13_________

( )A:Well , 14_________ I have a lot of work to do

( )B:Don´t worry ! 15_________ We´ll wait for you as usual

AWhat about you

BI can´t leave before nine

CWhat time shall we leave

DYes,I think so

EWe won´t leave before nine

FLet´s go for a walk




One day we invited some friends to dinner When it was about six o´clock , my wife found that we had little bread

So she asked our five-year-old daughter , Kathy ,to buy some

“Here´s a dollar,”my wife said ,“get two loaves (条) of bread , if they have it If they don´t have it ,get anything But hurry !”

Kathy hurried off ,and we waited and waited By a quarter past six ,all the friends had arrived But Kathy had not returned Finally we saw her dancing around the corner with a bright new hula hoop (呼啦圈) whirling (旋转) round her middle

“Kathy ! ”her mother cried “Where did you get that hula hoop ,and wher-e´sthe bread ”

"Well , when I got to the shop ,they had sold all their bread ,answered Ka-thy,“and you said ´If they don´t have that,get anything ! ´”

( )1One day Kathy´s parents invited some friends to _________

Ahave breakfast B have lunch

Chave supper D have a party

( )2How much did Kathy´s mother give her

AA dollar BTwo dollars

CFive dollars DSix dollars

( )3Kathy _________ in a hurry

Aplayed games Bwent to the shop

Cwent to dance Dcame back home

( )4What did Kathy buy at last

AOther food BNothing

CHula Hoop DTwo loaves of bread

( )5he temperature in _________ is the lowest in the picture

ANew York BParis CLondon DMoscow

( )6Which is the best place for swimming in the river today

AHong Kong BTokyo CToronto DSydney

( )7If you want to go to London today ,don´t forget to take ________

Aa jacket Ba raincoat C a suit D school clothes

( )8“What do you think about Sydney today ”“It´s _________ ”

Asummer Bwindy Ccloudy Dwinter


Sally was a student It was going to be her mother´s birthday She wanted to buy her a present that would be nice and useful but not expensive

A week before her mother´s birthday ,she went shopping after a quick and simple lunch When she had been looking for half an hour ,she found a shop that was selling cheap umbrellas ,and decided to take a black one , since her mother had lost hers the month before

She thought , "You could carry that when you are wearing clothes of any co-lour "So she decided to buy a lovely black umbrella and took it back to the school with her until her classes had finished

On her way back home in the train that evening she felt hungry because she had such a small lunch that she went along to the buffet car for another san-dwich and cup of coffee She had left the black umbrella above her seat in the compartment ,but when she got back ,it had gone ! When she had left the compartment ,but when she got back ,it had gone ! When she had left the comp-artment ,there had been no other passengers in it ,but now there were three

Sally began to cry when she saw that the umbrella was no longer there The other passengers felt very sorry for her and asked what the matter was She told them that the black umbrella she had bought for her mother was gone,and that she had to get out at the next station After the three other passenge-rs heard it ,they asked her for her mother´s address so that they could send the umbrella to her if someone had taken it by mistake ,and brought it back after Sally had got out of the train

The next week ,Sally heard from her mother It said ,“Thank you very much for your lovely presents ,but why did you send me three black umbrellas ”

注:umbrella伞;buffet car餐车;passenger乘客;compartment车厢

( )9Which of the following is the best for the sentence "You could carry that when you are wearing clothes of any colour"

AYou can carry it when you are wearing any clothes

BAny colour of your clothes will be all right

CThe umbrella will be OK for your clothes in any colours

DYou can take any clothes that you like to wear

( )10What does the story infer (推断)

AHer mother would write to her if she didn´t receive the presents

BThe three umbrellas were sent by the girl

COnly four people had ever been to the compartment

DNobody brought the umbrella back

( )11The best name of the story is _________





( )12What does the write want to tell us

AYou should take care of your things when you are travelling

BShow your love to others , and they will bring you love

CChildren should often come back to see their parents

DIt´s no use crying when you are in trouble




Miss Yang works in the library of No14 Middle School She loves her work because she ____1____ books In the library she has got many books ____2____ different subjects She is very helpful and ____3____ the books very carefu-lly She is very strict Everybody ____4____ return the books on time

One day Meimei went to the ____5____ She said she could not ____6____ her library book Miss Yang asked her to pay for it At that moment , Lucy came and showed ____7____ book to Miss Yang It was just ____8____ library book ! Meimei was very ____9____ She thanked Lucy Miss Yang told ____10____ to be more careful from then on

( )1Areturns Bloves Cborrows Dbuys

( )2Afor Bon Cin Dof

( )3A looks for Blooks like Clooks after Dlooks at

( )4A must Bmay Ccan Dcould

( )5A school Bshop Ccinema Dlibrary

( )6A see Bthink Cfind Dlose

( )7A a Ban Cany Dsome

( )8AMeimei´s BMiss Yang´s CMeimei DMiss Yang

( )9Aangry Bsorry Cafraid Dpleased

( )10 Ashe Bher Chers Dherself


Without plants ,eople could not live We need them for both food ___11____ oxygen(氧气) that plants ____12____ And we also need them for their beauty (美丽)

Imagine (设想) a world ____13____ no plants Imagine no flowers with their sweet smells ,their beautiful colours and their lovely shapes (形状)Imagine when the wind blows ,not being able to ____14____ the leaves in the trees or watch the branches (枝条) swing (摇摆) from ____15____

Everywhere people need the beauty of plants That is why we have parks full of trees and flowers ,and people always try to build houses with room for some ____16____ and a garden

Do you ____17____ your plants Do you give them love and care Two scient-ists said they once planted two seeds (种子) in different places While the plants were growing , one plant was given love and hopeful ideas The other plant was given ____18____ hopeless ideas After six months ,the loved pla-nt was bigger ____19____ the earth it had more and longer roots (根);above the earth , it had a thicker stem (茎) and more ____20____

( )11Aor Bso Cbut Dand

( )12Agive Bproduce Cshow Dput

( )13Aby Bof Cwith Dwithout

( )14Asee Bfind Chear Denjoy

( )15Aside to side Bone by one Cup and down Dhere and there

( )16Agrass Btrees Chills Dstones

( )17Alook at Bsmile at Ctalk to Dlisten to

( )18Asome Bonly Cgreat Deven

( )19AOn BIn COver DUnder

( )20Afruits Bflowers Cgrass Dleaves



1it ,Friday ,yesterday

2we ,have ,a class meeting ,afternoon

3MrWang ,a talk ,something ,about NATO

4we ,be ,decide ,study ,and ,make ,country,strong



听力部分 (共30分,A~D每题1分,E每题2分)

(A)1C 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 C

(B)1B 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 A

(C)1B 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 B

(D)1A 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 A

(E)1They were building a house in a village (In a village )

2They stopped working

3They went to the hotel at 12:30/half past twelve (At 12:30 )

4They wanted two glasses of beer (Two )

5No ,he didn´t



1D 2B 3C 4A 5D 6 C


(A) 1B 2C 3A 4B 5 C

(B) 6birds 7longest 8seventh 9me 10more beautiful


1B 2D 3B 4A 5D 6D 7C 8B 9A 10D 11C 12D 13A 14C 15B 16C 17D 18C 19D 20B

Ⅳ (共10分,每空1分)

1better ,go 2didn´t ,until 3too ,to 4took ,to 5as ,as


(A)1at 2hold 3on 4This/It 5it/that 6by 7with 8meet

9time 10All

(B)11D 12F 13C 14B 15E

Ⅵ (共24分,每小题2分)

(A)1C 2A 3B 4C (B)5B 6A 7B 8D

(C)9C 10D 11D 12B

Ⅶ (共20分,每小题1分)

(A)1B 2B 3C 4A 5D 6C 7A 8A 9D 10B

(B)11D 12B 13C 14C 15A 16A 17C 18B 19D 20D

Ⅷ (共10分)

1It was Friday yesterday

2We had a class meeting in the afternoon

3Mr Wang gave us a talk on something about NATO

4We were so angry that we decided to study hard and make our country strong















这句话的错误是:缺少谓语,应该是:There are only two students in the photo此处的only,是副词,修饰系动词are。

nothing表示没有什么,什么也没有。应该是something的反义词。eg:There is nothing on the desk桌子上什么东西也没有。




To study hard is the students' duty好好学习是学生的职责。做主语。

house是可数名词,一般指具体的房子, home一般是不可数名词,指抽象意义上的家

me是宾格, I是主格,一般两者是不同的,但是有时候在口语中,I可以用me

这句话从字面上的意思是:我正在打乒乓球和台球。常识上有错误吧?有谁能 同时玩乒乓和台球两种运动呢?:)













1、Dr Reichert has shown us a new way to look at those behavior problems


2、Dr Mesibov set forth the basis of his approach to teaching students


3、The man responsible for finding the volunteers is Dr Charles Weber


4、Dr Sullivan's selection to head the Department of Health was greeted with satisfaction


5、Dr Keen arrived about seven on Sunday morning



1、Mr President, you're aware of the system


2、Mr Speaker, our message to the president is simple


3、Mr Wall asked if I would help him clean out the bins


4、Mr Long was now cutting himself a piece of the pink cake


5、Under these laws, he said, Mr Rice's assets could have been frozen



1、He lodged with Mrs Brown when he arrived in the city


2、I am delighted to make your acquaintance, Mrs Baker


3、There's a Mrs Green to see you


4、We look forward to seeing Mrs Brown and your good self this evening


5、Her first customer was none other than Mrs Blair


歌曲《Partition》,具体歌词是“Let me hear you say Hey MsCarter,Hey MsCarter,Say Hey MsCarter


Beyoncé(碧昂丝),美国歌手、词曲创作人、唱片制作人、金球奖提名女演员、时装设计师、舞蹈家。代表作品:《Dangerously In Love》、《Partition》等。


Let me hear you say Hey Ms Carter

Hey Ms Carter

Say Hey Ms Carter

Hey Ms Carter

Give me some

See me up in the club with fifty-leven girls

Posted in the back diamond fangs in my grill

Brooklyn brim with my eyes sitting low

Every boy in here with me got that smoke

Every girl in here got to look me up and down

All on Instagram cake by the pound

Circulate the image every time I come around

G's up tell me how I'm looking babe

Boy this all for you just walk my way

Just tell me how it's looking babe

Just tell me how it's looking babe

How it's looking babe

I do this all for you baby just take aim

And tell me how it's looking babe

How it's looking babe

Tell me how it's looking babe looking babe

Drop the bass mane the bass get lower

Radio say Speed it up I just go slower

High like treble pumping on the mids

Ya man ain't ever seen a booty like this

And why you think ya keep my name rolling off the tongue

'Cause when he wanna smash I'll just write another one

I sneezed on the beat and the beat got sicker

Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor

Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor

Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor

Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor

Like like liquor like like like liquor

Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor

Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor

Yoncé all on his mouth like liquor

Like like liquor like like like liquor

Beyoncé Beyoncé

Are you happy to be in Paris

Are you happy to be in Paris

Beyoncé Beyoncé


Driver roll up the partition please

Driver roll up the partition please

I don't need you seeing 'Yoncé on her knees

Took forty-five minutes to get all dressed up

We ain't even gonna make it to this club

Now my mascara running red lipstick smudged

Oh he so horny yeah he want to fk

He popped all my buttons and he ripped my blouse

He Monica Lewinsky'd all on my gown

Oh there daddy daddy didn't bring the towel

Oh baby baby we better slow it down

Took 45 minutes to get all dressed up

We ain't even gonna make it to this club

Take all of me I just wanna be the girl you like

Girl you like

The kind of girl you like

Girl you like

Take all of me I just wanna be the girl you like

Girl you like

The kinda girl you like is right here with me

Driver roll up the partition fast


Driver roll up the partition fast

Over there I swear I saw them cameras flash

Handprints and footprints on my glass

Handprints and good grips all on my as

Private show with the music blasting

He like to call me Peaches when we get this nasty

Red wine drip we'll talk that trash

Chauffeur eavesdropping trying not to crash

Oh there daddy daddy now you ripped my fur

Oh baby baby be sweating out my hair

Took 45 minutes to get all dressed up

And we ain't even gonna make it to this club

Take all of me I just wanna be the girl you like

Girl you like

The kind of girl you like

Girl you like

Take all of me I just wanna be the girl you like

Girl you like

The kinda girl you like is right here with me


Est-ce que tu aimes le sexe

Le sexe je veux dire l'activité physique le coït

Tu aimes ça

Tu ne t'intéresses pas au sexe

Les hommes pensent que les féministes détestent le sexe mais c'est une

Activité très stimulante et naturelle que les femmes adorent

Take all of me I just wanna be the girl you like

Girl you like

The kind of girl you like

Girl you like

Take all of me I just wanna be the girl you like

Girl you like

The kinda girl you like is right here with me



以上内容参考 QQ音乐-Partition

1、Dr 有 医生 或 博士 的意思。

2、Mr: 先生 的意思。

3、Miss: 如果指代称呼的话,有**,女士之意。 其它的有,思念,错过 之意。

4、Mrs: 有 太太,夫人 之意。专指:已婚妇女。

5、Ms:女士, 与Mrs意思一样,但是,这个Ms是不指明该女士是否结婚。




用作名词 (n)

1、This project is now under the charge of Mr White


2、Mr Smith launched out on an enterprise











1、Mrs Brown is known as a social climber


2、Mrs Fiedler makes a little money go a long way




n (名词)


2、doctor作“医生”解时,指有行医资格并从事医疗工作的人。说“去看病”用see〔consult〕 a doctor,“请医生”用send for〔call in, get, fetch〕 a doctor。






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