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帮忙翻译为英文 谢了! 急急急!,第1张

Detailed description of the problem and help respondents provide accurate reply papers: pulmonary heart disease complicated with acute myocardial infarction in 30 cases

Key Words Pulmonary heart disease / complications; myocardial infarction / complications

Key Words R541506 Code A literature marked Article ID 1009-6647 (2006) 11-2102-02

Abstract Objective: To analyze the occurrence of acute myocardial infarction with pulmonary heart disease in patients with clinical features of 30 cases for early detection of myocardial infarction patients, reduce misdiagnosis misdiagnosis Methods: A retrospective occurrence of pulmonary heart disease in patients with acute myocardial infarction in 30 cases of past history, smoking history, prodromal symptoms and complications were compared Results: The two groups of gender, cardiovascular family history, infarct location, systolic blood pressure was no difference (p> 005), the observation group age, smoking history, lung wet and dry rales higher (P <005) Symptom-based observation group to breathing difficulties, while the control group to dominated angina (P <005); heart rate (HR) observed group than the control group (P <005) Two concurrent pneumonia, pulmonary edema, respiratory failure, arrhythmia and death were higher than the number of the observation group, including pneumonia, pulmonary edema, respiratory failure, the difference was significant (P <005); concurrent shock the observation group were lower than the control group difference was not statistically significant (p> 005) Conclusion: The pulmonary heart disease in patients with myocardial infarction more than older, long-term smoking history, prodromal symptoms are not typical, it is difficult to diagnose, it is reported the rate of misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis rate of 8%, 26%, and complication and mortality rates than those in high, the clinical changes in the condition in time for check electrocardiogram, enzymes, etc for early detection and treatment

Severe cases of emergency rescue

Medical 1:

Patients with high-XX, male, 30 years old, mainly due to "chest and abdominal pain in four hours," admitted to hospital

Admission day morning 7 am, the patient appears no obvious incentive to chest and abdominal pain, accompanied by a sense of chest tightening, no Fangshe Tong, no breathing difficulties, heart palpitations, no fatigue, sweat and so on, severe pain, persistent non-release for consultation Blood pressure 160/100 mmHg, chest X-ray: bilateral pulmonary shadows door weight gain, blurred CT Tip: aortic dissection, given sodium nitroprusside at the same time pump into our department

Hypertension past three years, I, the most high blood pressure 180/140 mmHg, not the law of medication Alcoholic drinks and tobacco addiction

Palpation: BP: 170/115mmHg God-ching, lungs without rales, heart rate 71 beats / min Heart sounds clear, the law Qi, the valve area is not known and pathological murmur Abdomen soft, no tenderness and rebound tenderness Both lower extremities without edema, dorsalis pedis artery fluctuations better Vascular color Doppler ultrasound: thoracic aorta, abdominal aortic dissection (I type) ECG: sinus rhythm T-wave changes of left ventricular high voltage

Diagnosis: Aortic Dissection (I type), high blood pressure 3 (very high-risk group)

Pumped into the hospital to continue to give sodium nitroprusside to lower blood pressure, intramuscular injection of morphine sedation analgesia, metoprolol reduced myocardial contractile force, the next day early morning blood pressure in patients with stable around 110/70 mmHg, heart rate 65 beats / min or so Significantly reduced in patients with chest pain than before to turn a higher level hospital surgery





索尼子《超级索尼子》,一个简单自然的女孩年轻时从祖母那里学吉他,因为她对摇滚乐感兴趣。这所大学的专业是海洋生物学。对于他来说起床极其困难,虽然经常很晚,但仍然是个学生恶霸。偶像团体"第一宇宙速度"作为主唱和吉他手。岩泽麻美《Angel Beats!》,负责主唱和节奏吉他,乐队领导。她不是第一个把人们聚集在一起的人,但是她出色的吉他音调和歌声非常吸引听众。此外,乐队演奏的歌曲和歌词也是她亲手创作的。他用歌曲完全表达了自己的想法,是一个有着纯粹音乐家灵魂的女孩。











岩泽麻美《Angel Beats!





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