




I Listening Comprehension

Part A Short Conversations

Directions: In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers in your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you’ve heard

1 A Coke B Coffee C Tea D Water

2 A At a restaurant B At a studio C At a concert D At a theatre

3 A Relieved B Worried C Confused D Depressed

4 A The Browns B The Browns’ son C The postman D The neighbour

5 A At 7:00 B 7:10 C 9:00 D 9:10

6 A The ring is not hers B She doesn’t have gold rings

C She prefers gold to silver D She lost her silver ring

7 A The screen doesn’t have to be cleaned B The keyboard also needs cleaning

C The man shouldn’t do the cleaning D There’s not enough time to clean both

8 A The driver will sop the bus immediately B The guy by the door will help the woman

C The woman should check the map D He will tell the woman when to get off

9 A She dislikes fireworks B She has plans for the evening

C She doesn’t feel like going out D She has to get theatre tickets

10A They can’t see the stars clearly B They’re not in the city tonight

C They’re looking at the stars from the city D They’re talking about movie stars

Part B Passages

Directions: In Part B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you’ve heard

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage

11A It can make her famous B It is easy and rewarding

C It is dangerous but exciting D It has its moving moment

12A Somebody was killed B Nobody was injured

C Karen was physically hurt D Many buildings exploded

13A A fierce war B A serious injury C A terrible explosion D A brave journalist

Questions 14 through 14 are based on the following passage

14A Internet use is increasing quickly in rural and urban areas

B More and more rural residents have Internet access

C People have a limited choice of Internet providers

D City residents use the Internet frequently

15 Over 2 million B Around 6 million C 23 million D 17 million

16 A More girls have their own websites than boys

B 1 in 4 kids have Internet access from home

C Most kids think they get too little time online at school

D Internet connection at home is quicker than that at school

Part C Longer Conversations

Directions: In Part C, you will hear two longer conversations The conversations will be read twice After you hear the conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the words you’ve heard Write your answer in your answer sheet

Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation

Garden Restaurant Reservation Form

Name: Jessica ____17____

Time: 9:00 pm, ____18____

Number of People: Six

Phone Number: ____19____

Special Request: ____20____ dishes

Complete the form Write ONE WORD for each answer

Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation

What is Harrods, the biggest department store in the UK, famous for

Its ____21____ and Egyptian Hall

How do people feel when they are in the Egyptian Hall They feel they are ____22____

How does Harrods get most of its power By producing ____23____ itself

How is the business during the January sales There is an increase in ____24____

Complete the form Write NO MORE THREE WORDS for each answer


1.答案为D。本题考查获取重要的事实信息的能力。根据男士所说:“Just a glass of water, please”,D为正确答案。

2.答案为A。本题考查对话语中隐含意思的理解。根据对话中提到的“flowers, music, dinner ”,可以很容易判断谈话地点是 “At a restaurant”。

3.答案为A。本题考查获取重要事实信息的的能力。男士说血液检查结果没问题,女士说那就没有什么可担心的了。可知女士感觉 “Relieved”

4.答案为C。本题考查获取重要事实信息的能力。女士在应答中直接说到了“Just the postman”。


6.答案为A。本题考查获取重要事实信息的能力。女士说:“It couldn’t be”, 而且进一步补充说:“我昨晚戴的是银戒指。”




10.答案为B。本题考查对话语中隐含意思的理解能力。本题正确率极低。解答本题的关键是“so clear”,“从城市看去星星当然没有这么清晰”。由此可以推断出说话者当时不在城市里。







17-20题主要是考查获取重要事实信息的能力。有点难度的是,女士报电话号码时,没有一个一个数字去读,而是读作“five O thirteen, O three eighteen。”

21—23 题考查获取重要的事实信息的能力。从对话中可直接得知,英国最大的百货商店Harrods 是因 “Food Hall” 和 Egyptian Hall而著名。当人们看到Egyptian Hall时, they feel they are “in another world”。根据“---Is it true that Harrods produces its own electricity ---Yes, it does Seventy percent”, 可知它获得大部分电力是By producing “electricity” itself。

24题考查话语中隐含意思的能力。在元月销售旺季,顾客人数增加到300,000, 销售额增加到9,000,000英镑。可知There is an increase in “customers and sales”。

I Listening Comprehension

Part A Short Conversations

Directions: In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers in your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you’ve heard

1 W: Let me get you some coffee or tea, or something cold, like coke

M: Just a glass of water, please

Q: What does the man want to drink

2 W: The flowers are lovely, aren’t they And I like the music, too

M: Yeah, the dinner here is also excellent

Q: Where probably are the two speakers

3 M: I just read your blood test report, and everything seems OK

W: I see Then there is nothing to worry about

Q: How does the woman probably feel now

4 M: I thought I heard someone at the door

W: Just the postman, with the package for our neighbour, the Browns They are away visiting their son

Q: Who was at the door

5 W: Could you tell me the starting times for both performances

M: The first begins at 7:00 o’clock, and it lasts two hours The second follows immediately after a ten-minute break

Q: At what time does the second show start

6 M: My wife found a gold ring in our garden after the party Do you think it might be yours

W: It couldn’t be Thanks I wore a silver one last night

Q: What does the woman mean

7 M: I’d better clean the screen of the computer right now

W: Shouldn’t you clean your keyboard, too

Q: What does the woman imply

8 W: Do you know if this bus stops at Red Square

M: Well, there is a map over there by the door

Q: What does the man mean

9 M: Let’s go watch the fireworks tonight

W: I have tickets to the theatre

Q: What does the woman mean

10 W: Just look at these stars

M: They certainly don’t look so clear and bright from the city

Q: What can be inferred about the two speakers

Part B Passages

Directions: In Part B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you’ve heard

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage

Karen Smart has been a journalist reporting wars for several years now Why does she do it “Well,” she said, “It isn’t easy to say But I suppose it’s the excitement of being so close to danger It’s like going to see a horror movie You are frightened, but at the same time it gives you excitement” Reporters try to get as close to the battle as they can But it can be very dangerous Recently Karen herself was injured “It was very strange really,” she said “We were just getting ready to record an interview, when a bomb landed on the house next to us The whole house exploded There was a terrific noise and the next moment I was lying on the ground Luckily nobody was killed in that incident ” Karen spent two days in hospital, but a month later, she was back “While I was waiting for the ambulance, ”she said, “I can remember thinking: ‘What am I doing here I must be mad’ But after a while , that feeling started to disappear And I couldn’t wait to get back to the war”

Q: 11 Why does Karen like her job

12 What happened in a bomb explosion

13 What is the passage mainly about

Questions 14 through 14 are based on the following passage

Now it’s eight o’clock, time for the morning news

Internet use continues to increase in the United States According to a new study by American Life Project, fifty two percent of rural residents now have Internet access That’s an increase of eleven percent since 2000 Rural residents are still behind the urban residents, however Sixty seven percent of urban residents use the Internet Of those rural residents who are online, forty five percent say that they surf the Web daily Only forty percent of urban residents use the Web that often One big barrier for rural residents is the lack of choice among Internet providers According to another survey, more than two million American children aged six to seventeen have their own personal websites This figure, which represents ten percent of the twenty three million young people, who have Internet access from home, is rising rapidly It is expected to jump to one in four kids by 2008 The survey also shows that boys are more likely than girls to have their own websites Seventy six percent of kids with broad band Internet access at home say that their home connection is faster than the connection at school Forty nine percent of kids say that they get too little time on line at school

Q: 14 What does the first survey mainly tell us

15: How many American children, aged six to seventeen , have their own websites

16 What has been found out about kids’ use of the Internet

Part C Longer Conversations

Directions: In Part C, you will hear two longer conversations The conversations will be read twice After you hear the conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the words you’ve heard Write your answer in your answer sheet

Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation

M: Hello This is Garden Restaurant Who’s this speaking

W: Oh, hello Do you have a table for a party of six for this Friday

M: At what time

W: Eight thirty

M: We’ll be pretty busy on Friday night I have a table for nine o’clock, but not at eight thirty

W: Nine o’clock will be fine I just want to check something else I have a friend from Italy Have you got any Italian food

M: No problem, ma’am We have at least three Italian dishes on the menu

W: That’s great

M: Party of six for nine o’clock May I have your name, please

W: Jessica Blair Blair is spelt as B-L-A-I-R

M: OK Could you leave us your telephone number, please

W: Yes It’s Five thirteen, O three eighteen

M: Fine Thanks

Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation

W: Tell me, Peter What makes Harrods so famous

M: Well, it’s the biggest department store in the UK, and its Food Hall and Egyptian Hall are very famous

W: What is special about the Food Hall

M: It sells many different kinds of food For example, it has two hundred and fifty kinds of cheese from all over the world

W: That’s amazing And why is the Egyptian Hall so famous

M: Well, when people see it, they feel they are in another world It looks like an Egyptian Building from 4,000 years ago

W: Is it true that Harrods produces its own electricity

M: Yes, it does Seventy percent Enough for a small town

W: Really Tell me, how many customers do you have on an average day

M: About thirty thousand people come on an average day But during the January sales, the number increases to three hundred thousand customers a day

W: How much do they spend

M: Well, on average, the customers spend about 15 million pounds a day During the January sales, the record for one day is nine million pounds


/////////////////////// YAMB for 111b by Foster ///////////////////////////////

// This bot is originally written by DarkSpirit

// Derived from ChainXP by ET aka cougio (irc) aka kougio (bh)

// Collaborator: wurscht, sumo1


// Thanks to Snarg who started the whole thing with his MultiXP and by encouraging me to publish this


// Thanks to Matt Lanteigne aka mattlant for his pathing work YAM uses


// Original XP scripts authors : 2KH, Xizeta, DaBeerMan, LordOfMars, FruitBar, HPB_Forever

// Collaborators : Ven0m, Muellsammler, Darien, Killkeeper, Damoon, HellNucleus,

// Gill_105, Syadasti, Smoke, sicojola and others


// Am I forgetting someone Oh yea, the core! Thanks to bubbafate for cracking it :-D


// Legal stuff :

// This program is free software; You can redistribute freely as long as this

// notice stays intact If you don't want to submit your modifications and want

// to redistribute this script, you must rename it by replacing with your own

// name to avoid conflicts


// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but

// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY




// This is the file you should be editing!!!


// General configs can be found at the top

// Class specific configuration can be found in the sections below


// For skill codes, refer to "skillstxt" in the sdk folder or use the exact skill name


// For potion drinking settings, edit the LifeWatchXP associated via YAM_LifeWatchPath


// To use a character specific configuration, see header of bots/YAMd2j



// Game configuration


// YAM_StartGameDelay = rnd(min,max) Random delay in milliseconds before game initialization

// YAM_GameCatchup = number (msec) Time delay to let d2jsp catchup after an area change

// YAM_MaxGameLength = number (sec) Maximum game length before aborting, in seconds Use 0 for infinite length

// YAM_MinGameLength = number (sec) Minimum game length under which bot will stall after runs, in seconds

// YAM_MustIdle=true/false Set to true to force YAMB to idle (uses HOTIP module idler)

// Useful if you need to perm your mule


YAM_StartGameDelay = 0 // Use rdn(0,0) or just 0 for no delay起始游戏的延时设定

YAM_GameCatchup = 1000;//转换场景的延时设定

YAM_MaxGameLength = 660; // Default is 8 min, don't set too low or you may not kill everyone !最大游戏时间

YAM_MinGameLength = 360;//最小游戏时间


// Module configuration


// This is the list of currently available boss to run

// Reorder the lines to change the order in which they will be killed

// Comment out (put // before) a line to skip the boss

// Recommendation: Reorder the sequence in order of difficulty,

// to kill the toughest boss last and the easiest boss first























// Follower, enchanter, bo script



// Team Botting configuration


// PublicMode = 0/1/2 0 - Private, 1 - Public, >1 - Supports Leeches

// YAM_TPMsg = value define the boardcast msg to use to signal to the team bots to enter your tp

// WaitForPortal = true/false; Set to true to wait for a YAM_TPMsg before entering tp

// rather than teleporting to the boss itself

// DC_UseFriendsList = true/false Set to true to use the "/f m" command for your team bots

// to join your game rather than message them individually

// if true, you need to add the accounts of your team bots

// to your bnet friends list!

// YAM_WaitInChat=true/false; false to bot as normal and true to wait in chat for team botting


PublicMode = 0;//0私人游戏;1公众游戏;>1支援吸经验值模式



YAM_TPMsg="tp up";//进入TP讯息



// General configuration


// XP_BossLOS = true/false Move closer to the boss if no LOS or too far

// XP_DropItems = true/false If XP_SellBackItems is set to true but gold is full, drop items instead (faster)

// XP_SellBackItems = true/false Set to true to sell items your bmitems_XPini says not to keep to NPCs

// YAM_ClearInv = true/false Set to true to clear inventory of junk before stashing and during npc interactions

// YAM_StopFullInv = true/false Set to true to stop the bot if the inventory and stash are full

// YAM_StopNoRepair=true/false Set to true to stop if we have no enough gold to repair and some items is in critical level

// YAM_OpenChests = true/false Set to true to allow pather to open chests if they are found

// DCH_MaxDistance = number max distance away we will go for a chest

// YAM_OpenGoldenChest = true/false Set to true to open golden chests

// YAM_UseShrines = true/false Set to true to use shrines if they are found, during Meph or Shenk runs

// DS_MaxDistance = number max distance away we will go for a shrine


XP_BossLOS = true;//是否移近头目;如果发生LOS或落点离太远时

XP_DropItems = true;//当下一行设成ture时;当身上钱满了又有东西卖时会直接丢掉要卖的东西

XP_SellBackItems = true;//设成ture时会把bmitems_XPini档内设定不留的东西卖掉

YAM_ClearInv = false;//和NPC交易及辩识前会清理辩识卷

YAM_StopFullInv = true;//身上的辩识卷满了没地方放时会自动停止

YAM_StopNoRepair = true;//没钱修理是是否停止

YAM_OpenChests = false;//是否开箱子

DCH_MaxDistance = 20;//离多远的距离会去开子

YAM_OpenGoldenChest = true;//是否开金箱子(注:应该是地穴内会发光的箱子吧)

YAM_UseShrines = false; // leave it on false for now True will freeze your bot for more then 20 seconds是否去摸神坛

DS_MaxDistance = 20;//离多远距离的神坛会去摸


// Snagit configuration


// DSN_MinGoldStack = number Minimum gold stack amount to pickup Set to 0 to ignore all gold stacks, 1 to pick all

// DSN_PickPotions = true/false Set to true to include potions in the pickup checking

// DSN_SnagType = number Type of pickup: 0 = Best item first and 1 = Closest item first

// DSN_UseTK = true/false Set to true to use Telekinesis to pick certain items

// DSN_SnagRange = number Radius to check for dropped items 40 is a good number here

// DSN_GoldSnagRange = number Radius to check for gold (usually smaller than item range)

// DSN_SnagDelay = number This is the amount of time to wait before snagit picks up items

// DSN_PickPotions = true/false; Set to true to include potions in the checking

// DSN_FillBelt = true/false; Set to true to stop picking pots if belt is full

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

DSN_MinGoldStack = 1000;//多少钱会去捡

DSN_PickPotions = true;//是否捡药水

DSN_SnagType = 1;//先捡那一种类的物品

DSN_UseTK = false;//是否使用心灵传动捡东西

DSN_SnagRange = 40;//捡取半径

DSN_GoldSnagRange = 25;//捡钱的半径

DSN_SnagDelay = 200;//捡取延时



// NIP files configuration


// Each section has a set of nip files for a given char This is useful

// in case you wanted to have a different file depending on chars or to

// have char-specific files


// If you want to add your own nip files, just copy any line and enter the

// exact nip file name ( example : DSN_NIPFilePathpush("myownnip"); )


// To disable a nip file, just add "//" at the start of the line or delete the line


// Finally, shopping and gambling will use the same files without problems

// ------------------------------------------------------------------













// Cubing configuration


// YAM_EnableCubing = true/false Set to true to enable cubing


YAM_EnableCubing = false;//是否合成


// Stashing configuration


// DT_FreeSpace = number Minimum number of free columns: if less full columns are free, go to stash

// DT_MinGoldToStash = number Maximum gold amount carried before going to stash


DT_FreeSpace = 3;//剩下多少行时放到箱子去

DT_MinGoldToStash = 100000;//多少钱在身上时去放箱子


// The numbers correspond to your inventory Set 0 to keep whatever is there, 1 to stash it

// This allows you to keep charms in inventory Note: If you have an empty spot set to 0

// the item that appears there during a run will NEVER get stashed

// (Useful if you have lots of space and want to use the bonuses of freshly-ID'd charms)

// WARNING: Make sure that you have set this correctly otherwise you can lose

// your existing items!








// Belt configuration


// YAM_UseBeltManager = true/false Leave at true if you want the bot to buy potions

// YAM_UseABM = true/false Set to true to use the Advanced Belt Manager (slower but gets full belt most of the time)


YAM_UseBeltManager = true;//是否使用腰带管理员

YAM_UseABM = true;//是否使用进阶腰带管理员(会较慢一些)


// Type of potion used in each belt column

// Available types : "hp" = health | "mp" = mana | "rv" = rejuv Can use other potion types too (untested!)

// Keep equal types at adjacent columns First HP then MP and then HP again is a bad choice

// Keep HP and MP at the beginning of the belt (in case you want to use rejuv and other types)

// Rejuvenations MUST, I REPEAT MUST be at the end of the belt (last x columns)

// Recommendation: Since YAMB supports potion-swapping there is no point in reserving

// a column for rejuvenations anymore


DT_BeltColType[0] = "hp"; // Column 1 in belt

DT_BeltColType[1] = "hp"; // Column 2

DT_BeltColType[2] = "hp"; // Column 3

DT_BeltColType[3] = "mp"; // Column 4



// Minimum amount of potions in each column before needing refilling

// If there's less potions then this number in the column we go and shop

// Set to 4 to go shopping as soon as there's a potion missing

// Leave columns set to "rv" at 0, since shops don't carry rejuvs


DT_BeltColMin[0] = 2;

DT_BeltColMin[1] = 2;

DT_BeltColMin[2] = 2;

DT_BeltColMin[3] = 2;



// ShopIt!


// YAM_ShopIt = true/false Set to true to shop every npc you talk to, false to skip this

// YAM_RandomNPC = true/false Set to true to always visit a random NPC before a run

// YAM_AlwaysGoToHealer = true/false Set to true to always visit the local healer before a run

// YAM_AlwaysRepair = true/false Set to true to always visit the repair npc before a run

// YAM_AlwaysAkara = true/false Set to true to always visit Akara when in act 1

// YAM_AlwaysCharsi = true/false Set to true to always visit Charsi when in act 1

// YAM_AlwaysOrmus = true/false Set to true to always visit Ormus when in act 3

// YAM_AlwaysMalah = true/false Set to true to always visit Malah when in act 5

// YAM_AlwaysLarzuk = true/false Set to true to always visit Larzuk when in act 5

// YAM_AlwaysAnya = true/false Set to true to always visit Anya before killing Pindle if ShopIt is true

// Will also shop after comming back if PXP_EscapeThroughPortal is true


YAM_ShopIt = false;//是否和你谈话的NPC购物

YAM_RandomNPC = false;//是否在开始前随机找NPC谈话

YAM_AlwaysGoToHealer = false;//是否每次开始前找那一章的治疗NPC谈话

YAM_AlwaysRepair = false;//是否在开始前都去修理一下

YAM_AlwaysAkara = false;//是否在开始前都去找阿卡拉(在第一章)

YAM_AlwaysCharsi = false;//是否在开始前都去找恰西(在第一章)

YAM_AlwaysOrmus = false;//是否在开始前都去找奥玛斯(在第三章)

YAM_AlwaysMalah = false;//是否在开始前都去找玛拉(在第五章)

YAM_AlwaysLarzuk = false;//是否在开始前都去找拉苏克(在第五章)

YAM_AlwaysAnya = false;//是否在开始前去找安亚(在第五章)


// GambleIt!


// YAM_GambleIt = true/false Set to true to gamble at Anya and Gheed each time you talk to them

// YAM_GambleStartGold = number Set a amount of gold before starting to gamble

// YAM_GambleStopGold = number Set a amount of gold before stopping to gamble It must be smaller than YAM_GambleStartGold

// DT_GambleItem Items that you are gonna gamble Must be nonempty when you set YAM_GambleIt to true


YAM_GambleIt = true;//是否赌博

YAM_GambleStartGold = 1000000;//多少钱开始赌

YAM_GambleStopGold = 200000;//剩多少钱结束


//DT_GambleItempush("rin"); // Rings戒指

//DT_GambleItempush("amu"); // Amulet护身符

DT_GambleItempush("ci0"); // Circlet头环

DT_GambleItempush("ci1"); // Coronet宝冠


// End of general configuration section


function XP_InitConfig() {


// Precasting configuration


// DA_UseCTA = true/false Switch to and use your CTA weapon runeword when doing the precasts

// DA_AutoPrecasts = true/false Set to true to ignore the config below and automatically detect which skills to use for precasts

// RedemMana = number Set this number to the LW_ManaThresh value if you changed your LifeWatch value

// RedemLife = number Set this number to the LW_LifeThresh value if you changed your LifeWatch value

// UseVigor= true/false True to use vigor in town If you find that you having problem with interact with merchant, set it to false

// DA_Refresh=true/false Set to true to refresh your precasts by default, if DA_AutoPrecasts is false


DA_UseCTA = false;//是否使用CTA

DA_AutoPrecasts = false; // keep on false I think there is a bug in the core是否自动使用防护技能

RedemMana = 50; // set your LW_ManaThresh to this value in your life watch file在mana剩多少时使用救读

RedemLife = 900;//血剩多少时使用救读


DA_Refresh = true;//是否更新防护技能


// Attack configuration



// Skill configuration


// XP_PallyAttack=number // Attack skill number

// XP_PallyAura=number // Aura skill number See /sdk/skillstxt for skill number


XP_PallyAttack=112; // Blessed hammer

XP_PallyAura=113; // Concentration


// Mercenary configuration


// DT_UseMerc = true/false Set to true to watch out for mercenary, revive him when he dies, etc

// YAM_AbortNoMerc = true/false Set to true to abort the game if the merc is dead and failed to be ressurected

// XP_EnchantMerc = true/false Set to true to cast Enchant on your merc when doing other precasts


DT_UseMerc = true;//是否使用pet

YAM_AbortNoMerc = true;//pet死了是否中断

XP_EnchantMerc = false;//是否对pet使用强化


// Other configurations


// DT_RepairPercent = number (%) Go repair if any of your items fall below this percent of durability

// DT_SkipHealLife = number (%) If you have more than this percent of your life, you won't go to a Healer Also the percent of life at which Safe Check will go to heal before a boss

// DT_SkipHealMana = number (%) If you have more than this percent of your mana, you won't g




主演:费雯丽、克拉克·盖博、李斯利·霍华德、 奥莉薇·黛·哈佛兰

类型:剧情 爱情 战争



时长:238 分钟





《乱世佳人》(GONE WITH THE WIND)是好莱坞影史上最值得骄傲的一部旷世巨片,影片放映时间长达4小时,观者如潮。其魅力贯穿整个20世纪,因此有好莱坞“第一巨片”之称。影片当年耗资400多万美元,历时三年半完成,其间数换导演,银幕上出现了60多位主要演员和9000多名配角演员。在1939年的第12届奥斯卡奖中一举夺得八项金像奖,轰动美国影坛。这部耗资巨大,场景豪华,战争场面宏大逼真的历史巨片,以它令人称道的艺术成就成为美国**史上一部经典作品,令人百看不厌。

1861年南北战争爆发的前夕,塔拉庄园的千金**斯佳丽爱上了另一庄园主的儿子阿希礼,但阿希礼却选择了查尔斯的表妹——温柔善良的玫兰妮为终身伴侣。斯佳丽出于妒恨,抢先嫁给了玫兰妮的哥哥查尔斯。不久,美国南北战争爆发了。阿希礼和查尔斯作为征兵上了前线。查尔斯很快就在战争中死去了。斯佳丽成了寡妇, 但她内心却一直热恋着阿希礼。
















总的来说,斯佳丽堪称巾帼不让须眉的奇女子,人中龙凤,难怪瑞特这样的牛人也拜倒在她的石榴裙下。每次看《乱世佳人》,每次都有不同的收获。年轻时看,讨厌虚荣爱出风头的斯佳丽,喜欢纯洁善良的玫兰妮,不喜欢油腔滑调的瑞特巴特勒,喜欢温文尔雅的阿希礼,喜欢南方如画的景致和田园牧歌式的生活,不喜欢北方的浮华和放荡。后来看了多次之后,不由得对斯佳丽敬佩起来,原本是一个弱女子,任性而年青,第一次结婚是一时的冲动报复,嫁给了不爱的男孩,让自己成为了年轻的寡妇。第二次结婚是为了一家人的生存,抢走了妹妹的心上人,肯尼迪。肯尼迪虽然是一个半老头子,却不是斯佳丽的对手,面对她的冷酷和无情,他束手无策。最终为了斯佳丽差点遭受的侮辱去报复穷白人而被人击毙,不幸枉死,却从未享受过斯佳丽的一点爱。于是斯佳丽再次成为寡妇,而且还是个有钱的寡妇。在那个战火纷飞的年代,为了答应过阿希礼照顾玫兰妮的一句承诺,在北军就要攻占亚特兰大的时候,斯佳丽又果断地替玫兰妮接生,并找到瑞特冲破重重阻碍和关卡,回到了乡下老家--塔拉庄园。在又饥又饿之时,她又遭受了母亲病亡、父亲痴呆、家里被劫,一穷二白的多重打击,她不屈不挠,带头种田干活,喝令妹妹下床摘棉花,并照顾玫兰妮和小波,支撑一家人的生计,那时她顶多也不过是个二十来岁的小姑娘,本应是个在母亲怀里撒娇的小姑娘。可是面对如此巨大的困难,她没有选择逃避,而是勇敢挑起家里的重担,以常人难以企及的毅力抗争命运,每每看到斯佳丽举着萝卜向天盟誓,决不愿让家人再受苦挨饿时,我总是觉得拍片导演对光线和背景的运用是那么巧妙和艺术, 它那么生动地刻划了思嘉渴望安定、渴望生存、渴望富裕的强烈而真实的内心情感。我觉得那时的她,已完成了最艰难的嬗变,由一只丑陋的毛毛虫破茧而出变成了美丽的蝶,自由而高贵,那时的思嘉就像一个女神---渴望富有、并为此能不择手段的欲望女神。


无论是面对战争的废墟和硝烟、母亲和父亲的去世、生活的贫穷艰难还是女儿的夭折,在和她承受同样的痛苦和艰难的人们当中,她都是最刚强、最坚韧的一个和最先从痛苦和艰难中走出来的一个。当斯佳丽面对着已是满目伤痕泰勒庄园时,她的坚韧和刚强令她这个家中的长女担起家长的重担。在影片的末尾,她还坚定地告诉我们:Tomorrow is another day。

















片段三:瑞特为了帮助斯佳丽重返故里,拼死弄了一匹身负重伤的老马,并帮助她把玫兰妮抱到马车上,同时一路历经辛苦,并在即将要到达的时候,瑞特看到许多南方兵前仆后继,视死如归,深感震撼,并决定上战场,为保卫家园尽一份力。这时可以看出,为了心爱的女人,他能出生入死; 同样,面临家园被毁之境,他也是一个热血之人,导演在这里才向我们描绘了一个深藏在平日玩世不恭外表下,也具有一颗为荣誉甘洒热血之心的典型南方男性的形象。在这里我们看到,虽然瑞特平日里非常精明、现实,但他骨子里其实还是一个南方人。










黑人奶妈的形象刻画的非常成功。 由此扮演黑妈的演员哈蒂·麦克丹尼尔(Hattie McDaniel)战胜了奥丽维亚(美兰妮)获得了第十二届奥斯卡最佳女配角奖,据说是历史上第一个获得奥斯卡奖的黑人。哈蒂将其特有的幽默感注入奶妈玛格丽特一形象中,台词念得完美无缺,与斯佳丽的扮演者费雯丽配合默契,犹如绿叶扶红花,结果两人双双获奖。由于奶妈一角的成功,哈蒂后来几乎垄断了银幕上所有的黑人保姆角色,在许多影片里可以看到她那肥胖、温顺、饶舌的形象。


Kobe Bryant first started turning heads on the basketball court when he was in middle school His talents dominated the game so much that high schools from all over the Philadelphia area watched him grow up The almost six-foot tall seventh grader definitely had the make-up and genes for the game, as his dad was former NBA forward, Joe Bryant Kobe developed his basketball skills under the watchful eye of his father, helping his mission to become a professional basketball player He worked daily on his game, watching video, playing in the playgrounds and listening to his father



When he entered high school at Lower Marion in Philadelphia, Kobe was a highly touted recruit He proved that he had the skills and work ethic to be a star at the next level and the scouts noticed this Kobe didn't let anybody down either, as he played on the varsity basketball team his freshman year He wouldn't immediately be a superstar, though Rather it was the countless hours of early morning workouts by himself in the gymnasium that escalated Kobe's talents





Kobe became a better player every year he played at Lower Marion and soon enough, he had developed into one of the premier talents at the high school level He sold out the games everywhere he played during his junior and senior years and he didn't disappoint anyone He once packed the school gym so much that it caused a traffic jam on the main highway just outside the school



He went on to finish his high school career as the all-time leading point scorer in Pennsylvania history with a total of 2, 883 points Kobe's highly decorated high school career made him the 13th overall choice by the Charlotte Hornets in the 1996 NBA draft



NBA draft:NBA选秀;1996年,科比在第13位被夏洛特黄蜂队挑中,从高中直接进入了NBA。

lose at(v+prep)

在…(比赛)中失败 fail to win at (game)

▲lose at sth

I always lose at cards, with my bad luck我不走运,打牌总输。

How much money did you lose at the races赛马会上你输了多少钱

lose by(v+prep)

因…蒙受损失;因…失去 suffer a disadvantage from sth or doing sth

〔说明〕 lose by通常不用于否定句或疑问句,也不用于进行体。

▲lose by sth

Put your money into our savings plan, and you can't lose by it按我们的储蓄计划把钱存起来,你就不会蒙受什么损失。

▲lose sth by sth

The government may lose seats by the reorganization of voting areas政府可能会因为调整选区而失去席位。

lose in(v+prep)

1使迷失或丢失于 fail to know where sth/sb is

〔说明〕 lose in通常不用于进行体。

▲lose sth/oneself in sth

We lost ourselves in the dark我们在黑暗中迷路。

One loses oneself easily in such a big city在这样的大城市里很容易迷路。

My little daughter lost herself in the department store yesterday昨天,我的小女儿在百货商场里迷了路。

I've lost my ring in the garden我把戒指丢在花园里了。

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

I always get lost in a strange city到陌生城市我常常迷路。

2使忙于,埋头于(某事) be busy oneself with sth

▲lose oneself in sth

I can always lose myself in a good book一本好书会使我爱不释手。

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

Mary was lost in the details of a new sewing pattern玛丽埋头研究一个新的剪裁花样。

3因…受损,逊色 become less or worse because of or during sth

〔说明〕 lose in作此解时通常不用于被动结构,也不用于进行体。

▲lose in sth

The effect of the story loses in translation这个故事一经翻译便失去了原来的效果。

4(指某种声音)被(其他声音)淹没,吞没 be drowned by (other sounds)

▲lose sth in sth

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

The chairman's remarks were lost in the public's shouts of disapproval主席讲的话被淹没在一片反对的呼声中。

lose on(v+prep)

吃亏 have less money than when one started

▲lose on sth

We lost on that job我们在那件事上吃亏了。

lose out(v+adv)

损失;失败 suffer a loss or defeat

▲lose out

We lost out in the election simply because the opposition had more money to run their campaign我们在这次大选中被击败了,这完全是因为反对党有更多的钱进行竞选活动。

You often lose out when you bet on horse races你在赛马打赌时,常常输掉。

lose to(v+prep)

失去,败给,没有 displace to, fail to

▲lose to sb

England lost to Australia英国队输给了澳大利亚队。

▲lose sb/sth/oneself to sb

He lost himself to her他完全听她的。

She seems to have lost her heart to you她似乎已爱上了你。

She lost her heart to the man with the broad shoulders and deep voice她爱上了那位宽肩且声音浑厚的男子。

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

Now his daughter was lost to him for ever现在他永远失去了他的女儿。

The opportunity was lost to him他失去了那个机会。


   Tasman“Then have a match with me before you go 在你去之前和我比试一下吧。I want to see if you have the ability to rescue Shana 我要看看你有没有能力救出席娜”

  此时会出现两个 选项 

  1Master,don't be silly 大师,别这样

  2 Yes Master,Please 是,大师;请指教。  

  选择第一项后,Dart会说“Master ,please don't be silly 大师,请别这样。With that wound , you cannot take my sword  。伤成那样,你连剑都拔不动了”

  Tasman“With that kind of coufidence 应该是confidence,怀疑游戏单词错了,I guess I can be assured 有这样的信心,我想我可以放心了”Tasman感慨道。“I am going to go on a journey soon 我很快就要踏上新的旅程 if you think you need to practice more,ask me now 如果你还需要练习的话,可以问我”

  此后再问他,他则会说:“Do you need to practice with me?你想要与我进行练习吗?”


  1No,I am fine 不,我还行。

  2Yes,Please 是,请指教

  无论最开始选择第二项,还是现在选择第二项;Tasman则会说:Then show your true power!Don't even think about being easy on 么 because of my injury!Shall we begin!?。然后进入战斗开始战斗教学,


  进入战斗后,大师会说“I will remingd you about the ABC's of sword fighting I taught you ! ”然后出现四个选项

  Addition Skills 连技相关

  About Counterattacking 反击相关

  About Defence 防御相关

  Obtaining Additions 习得练技

  I am fine 我练好了

  选择Addition Skills 连技相关,大师会说:

  “Select attacke command Then the timing sight appears 选择攻击指令,然后会出现瞄准框”

  “When this sight overlaps the 囗 in the center press the X button 当两个囗在中心重叠的时候,请按X键。”

  “Gray 囗 means too fast 囗黯淡表示快了 Blue 囗 means too slow 囗蓝色表示慢了White 囗 means Perfect 囗白色表示完美。

  Now,come on 现在,开始练习吧


 按错按键会说 What's Wrong !!怎么了!!Never mind the wound !别气馁!

         Show me your power!! !! 向我展示你的力量!!        

  How are you doing ?你感觉怎么样?

  One more time ?还需要练习吗?


  Let me do it again 让我再次开始练习

  I'm fine now 我现在练好了

  如果慢了会说 You're pressing too slow  你按得也太慢了 ! 

        They enemy won't wait for you 敌人可不会等你!

  How are you doing ?你感觉怎么样?One more time ?还需要练习吗?


  Let me do it again 让我再次开始练习

  I'm fine now 我现在练好了

  如果快了会说You're pressing too quick  你按得也太快了 ! 

        Don't rush Be methodical别太快,要有条不紊

  How are you doing ?你感觉怎么样?One more time ?还需要练习吗?


  Let me do it again 让我再次开始练习

  I'm fine now 我现在练好了

  如果完美会说 Yes !Good!

  How are you doing ?你感觉怎么样?One more time ?还需要练习吗?


  Let me do it again 让我再次开始练习

  I'm fine now 我现在练好了

  选择About counterattacke 反击相关,大师会说:

  Enemies don't wait around to be attaacked Sometimes they fight 敌人不会只等你攻击,有些时候也会反打回来。

  During the attack,they might show hints of a counterattacke 攻击期间,我们可能会发现反击的预兆

  press the 〇 button when the red counterattack sight appears overlaying the 囗红色囗覆盖到中间时,请按〇键。

  Failure,exposes you to an attack and you're blown away 失败,你的攻击失误;你会被弹飞

  A multiple attack ends there 在这个段数,你的连招被终结

  Now,come on 现在,开始练习吧

  按错按键会说 Wrong button 按错键!Watch the enemy's moves carefully!!观察敌人动作要仔细!!

         Are you ready for the counterattack ?你还要继续练习反击吗?出现两个选项

  Show me again 请再次展示

  That's enough 已经足够了

  如果慢了会说 You're pressing too slow  你按得也太慢了 ! They enemy won't wait for you 敌人可不会等你!

        Are you ready for the counterattack ?你还要继续练习反击吗?出现两个选项

  Show me again 请再次展示

  That's enough 已经足够了

  如果快了会说You're pressing too quick  你按得也太快了 ! Don't rush Be methodical别太快,要有条不紊

        Are you ready for the counterattack ?你还要继续练习反击吗?出现两个选项

  Show me again 请再次展示

  That's enough 已经足够了

  如果完美会说 Yes !Good!

        Are you ready for the counterattack ?你还要继续练习反击吗?出现两个选项

  Show me again 请再次展示

  That's enough 已经足够了

  选择About Defence 防御相关,大师会说

  Tactics are not merely swinging the sword 战略上暂时停止拔剑攻击

  During bad times,defend and wait for a chance !不利的时候,防御等待变化!

  Defending helps recover HP a little and halves the damges 防御会恢复一成HP,同时伤害减半。

  Also it completely protects against attacks that cause an abnormal status 并且完全防御不利地异常状态

  选择Obtaining Additions 习得练技,大师会说

  Combat expericence lets you learn new skills 通过战斗获得经验,会让你觉醒新技能

  Skills can be selected form ”Addition” on the System Screen技能可在菜单界面选择

  Select the skill before the battle 在战斗前选择技能。

  You can't change in the battle!你不能在战斗中改变技能!

  Each additional skill is unique 每个连招都是有用地。

  Some skills are easy to use ,some are powerful 一些连招简单易于使用,一些连招力量强大。

  Every skill seems good,but don't be fooled!每个技能看起来都很好,不要被欺骗!

  The secret of survival is to select the skill that suits you!秘密就是选择适合你的技能!

  Even a beginner's Double Slash can effective。新手使用二段斩是非常安定有效地。

  It depends on your skill Remember !它的使用取决于你的技术,要牢记在心!

  选择 I am fine 我练好了,直接退出战斗。大师会说

  I am going to go on a journey soon 我很快就要踏上新的旅程

  if you think you need to practice more,ask me now 如果你还需要练习的话,可以问我

  此后再问他,他则会说:“Do you need to practice with me?你想要与我进行练习吗?”


1No,I am fine 不,我还行。

2Yes,Please 是,请指教

“水瓶”翻译成英语是“water bottle”


一、音标:英 [ˈbɒt(ə)l]  美 [ˈbɑːtl] 


n 瓶子;一瓶(的量);酒;奶瓶,乳饮品;<英,非正式>信心,勇气

v 装瓶;<非正式>用玻璃瓶砸;<英,非正式>丧失勇气,泄气


复数 bottles 

第三人称单数 bottles 

现在分词 bottling 

过去式 bottled 

过去分词 bottled


vt 控制;把…装入瓶中

possess , contain , regulate , bit , manage


We drank a whole bottle each 


Shall I open another bottle 


This is our last bottle of water 



Titanic (1997)

United States, 1997

US Release Date: 12/19/97 (wide)

Running Length: 3:14

MPAA Classification: PG-13 (Mayhem, nudity, sex, profanity, mild violence)

Theatrical Aspect Ratio: 235:1

Cast: Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Billy Zane, Kathy Bates, Frances Fisher, Gloria Stuart, Bill Paxton, Bernard Hill, David Warner

Director: James Cameron

Producers: James Cameron, Jon Landau

Screenplay: James Cameron

Cinematography: Russell Carpenter

Music: James Horner

US Distributor: Paramount Pictures

Short of climbing aboard a time capsule and peeling back eight and one-half decades, James Cameron's magnificent Titanic is the closest any of us will get to walking the decks of the doomed ocean liner Meticulous in detail, yet vast in scope and intent, Titanic is the kind of epic motion picture event that has become a rarity You don't just watch Titanic, you experience it -- from the launch to the sinking, then on a journey two and one-half miles below the surface, into the cold, watery grave where Cameron has shot never-before seen documentary footage specifically for this movie

In each of his previous outings, Cameron has pushed the special effects envelope In Aliens, he cloned HR Giger's creation dozens of times, fashioning an army of nightmarish monsters In The Abyss, he took us deep under the sea to greet a band of benevolent space travelers In T2, he introduced the morphing terminator (perfecting an effects process that was pioneered in The Abyss) And in True Lies, he used digital technology to choreograph an in-air battle Now, in Titanic, Cameron's flawless re-creation of the legendary ship has blurred the line between reality and illusion to such a degree that we can't be sure what's real and what isn't To make this movie, it's as if Cameron built an all-new Titanic, let it sail, then sunk it

Of course, special effects alone don't make for a successful film, and Titanic would have been nothing more than an expensive piece of eye candy without a gripping story featuring interesting characters In his previous outings, Cameron has always placed people above the technological marvels that surround them Unlike film makers such as Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin, Cameron has used visual effects to serve his plot, not the other way around That hasn't changed with Titanic The picture's spectacle is the ship's sinking, but its core is the affair between a pair of mismatched, star-crossed lovers

Titanic is a romance, an adventure, and a thriller all rolled into one It contains moments of exuberance, humor, pathos, and tragedy In their own way, the characters are all larger-than- life, but they're human enough (with all of the attendant frailties) to capture our sympathy Perhaps the most amazing thing about Titanic is that, even though Cameron carefully recreates the death of the ship in all of its terrible grandeur, the event never eclipses the protagonists To the end, we never cease caring about Rose (Kate Winslet) and Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio)

Titanic sank during the early morning hours of April 15, 1912 in the North Atlantic, killing 1500 of the 2200 on board The movie does not begin in 1912, however -- instead, it opens in modern times, with a salvage expedition intent on recovering some of the ship's long-buried treasure The expedition is led by Brock Lovett (Bill Paxton), a fortune hunter who is searching for the mythical "Heart of the Ocean", a majestic 56 karat diamond which reputedly went down with the ship After seeing a TV report about the salvage mission, a 101-year old woman (Gloria Stuart) contacts Brock with information regarding the jewel She identifies herself as Rose DeWitt Bukater, a survivor of the tragedy Brock has her flown out to his ship Once there, she tells him her version of the story of Titanic's ill-fated voyage

The bulk of the film -- well over 80% of its running time -- is spent in flashbacks We pick up the story on the day that Titanic leaves Southampton, with jubilant crowds cheering as it glides away from land On board are the movie's three main characters: Rose, a young American debutante trapped in a loveless engagement because her mother is facing financial ruin; Cal Hockley (Billy Zane), her rich-but-cold-hearted fianc and Jack Dawson, a penniless artist who won his third-class ticket in a poker game When Jack first sees Rose, it's from afar, but circumstances offer him the opportunity to become much closer to her As the voyage continues, Jack and Rose grow more intimate, and she tries to summon up the courage to defy her mother (Frances Fisher) and break off her engagement But, even with the aid of an outspoken rich women named Molly Brown (Kathy Bates), the barrier of class looms as a seemingly-insurmountable obstacle Then, when circumstances in the Rose/Cal/Jack triangle are coming to a head, Titanic strikes an iceberg and the "unsinkable" ship (that term is a testament to man's hubris) begins to go down

By keeping the focus firmly on Rose and Jack, Cameron avoids one frequent failing of epic disaster movies: too many characters in too many stories When a film tries to chronicle the lives and struggles of a dozen or more individuals, it reduces them all to cardboard cut-outs In Titanic, Rose and Jack are at the fore from beginning to end, and the supporting characters are just that -- supporting The two protagonists (as well as Cal) are accorded enough screen time for Cameron to develop multifaceted personalities

As important as the characters are, however, it's impossible to deny the power of the visual effects Especially during the final hour, as Titanic undergoes its death throes, the film functions not only as a rousing adventure with harrowing escapes, but as a testimony to the power of computers to simulate reality in the modern motion picture The scenes of Titanic going under are some of the most awe-inspiring in any recent film This is the kind of movie that it's necessary to see more than once just to appreciate the level of detail

One of the most unique aspects of Titanic is its use of genuine documentary images to set the stage for the flashback story Not satisfied with the reels of currently-existing footage of the sunken ship, Cameron took a crew to the site of the wreck to do his own filming As a result, some of the underwater shots in the framing sequences are of the actual liner lying on the ocean floor Their importance and impact should not be underestimated, since they further heighten the production's sense of verisimilitude

For the leading romantic roles of Jack and Rose, Cameron has chosen two of today's finest young actors Leonardo DiCaprio (Romeo + Juliet), who has rarely done better work, has shed his cocky image Instead, he's likable and energetic in this part -- two characteristics vital to establishing Jack as a hero Meanwhile, Kate Winslet, whose impressive resume includes Sense and Sensibility, Hamlet, and Jude, dons a flawless American accent along with her 1912 garb, and essays an appealing, vulnerable Rose Billy Zane comes across as the perfect villain -- callous, arrogant, yet displaying true affection for his prized fianc The supporting cast, which includes Kathy Bates, Bill Paxton, Frances Fisher, Bernard Hill (as Titanic's captain), and David Warner (as Cal's no-nonsense manservant), is flawless

While Titanic is easily the most subdued and dramatic of Cameron's films, fans of more frantic pictures like Aliens and The Abyss will not be disappointed Titanic has all of the thrills and intensity that movie-goers have come to expect from the director A dazzling mix of style and substance, of the sublime and the spectacular, Titanic represents Cameron's most accomplished work to date It's important not to let the running time hold you back -- these three-plus hour pass very quickly Although this telling of the Titanic story is far from the first, it is the most memorable, and is deserving of Oscar nominations not only in the technical categories, but in the more substantive ones of Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, and Best Actress

© 1997 James Berardinelli


呼~ 改成简介:

The story of the Titanic and the iceberg has grown into a legend of the sea It took her discovery in 1985 to begin to find the truth behind the myth One of the things that makes the Titanic so fascinating is that she represented the best of technology when she set sail on her ill-fated voyage in 1912, and it took the best of technology in the form of sonar, satellite tracking, and deep-dive technology to locate her grave 73 years later In the early 1900's, waterborne transportation was the norm; today, satellites are taken for granted by our society But we tend to forget the immense effort that these two technologies require to operate to their maximum potential Until recently, the technology did not exist to locate, photograph, and explore this ship that rested two and a half miles down on the ocean floor



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